Colectiv compozite: Sorin VLASE, Horaţiu TEODORESCU, Sef Luminiţa SCUTARU, Anca STANCIU, Ramona PURCAREA, Ionatan POPA, Marius DRAGU

Specializări colectiv în domeniul temei - 13(majoritatea specializărilor s-au încheiat prin obţinerea unei diplome de atestare): Sorin VLASE

    • Cursuri Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, 1990,(o săptămână);

    • Cercetător asociat la Technische Universität München şi Technische Universität Stuttgart, la o temă de cercetare în domeniul materialelor compozite, 7 luni, 1994;

    • Cursuri Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, 2006 (o săptămână);

    • Cursuri Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, 2007, mai, Berlin;

    • Cursuri Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, 2008 (o săptămână);

    • Specializare în Mecanică experimentală, Darmstadt, noiembrie, 2006. Horaţiu TEODORESCU

    • Specializare firma GOM, Germania, noiembrie, 2007(o saptamana);

    • Specializare firma WOLFANGEL Germania, 2002(1 an)

Sef Luminiţa SCUTARU

    • Specializare firma GOM, Germania, noiembrie, 2007;

    • Cursuri la Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, iunie,2006 (o săptămână);

    • Specializare la firma Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, Germania, 2006. Anca STANCIU

    • Cursuri la Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, iunie,2007 (o săptămână); Ramona PURCAREA

    • Cursuri la Centrul Internaţional de Mecanica Solidului UDINE, Italia, iunie,2007 (o săptămână); Ionatan POPA

    • Specializare la firma IMMI, Hochburg, Germania, mai, 2008 Marius DRAGU

    • Specializare la firma IMMI, Hochburg, Germania, mai, 2008

Subiecte în atenţia colectivului:

    1. Ceramic Matrix Composites in Automotive Engineering;

    2. Composites in Civil Engineering;

    3. Composites in Transportation;

    4. Damage of Composites;

    5. Fibres;

    6. General Applications of Composites;

    7. Interface;

    8. Mechanical Properties of Composites;

    9. Metal Matrix Composites;

    10. Modelling;

    11. Non-Destructive Testing of Composites;

    12. Material behaviour including bond, durability, fatigue and long-term performance

    13. Fabrication, processing and testing methods; Full-scale testing;

    14. Analysis and design;

    15. Applications in wood, masonry and steel structures;

    16. Structural shapes and fully composite systems;

    17. Innovative structural systems;

  1. Sustainability and life-cycle cost

Contracte de cercetare pe tematică – 8 în ultimii 3 ani:

Cărţi publicate (3):

    • Vlase,S., s.a., Materiale compozite. Metode de calcul. Editura Universităţii TRANSILVANIA, 2007.

    • Teodorescu,H., Fundamentele şi mecanica materialelor compozite. Editura Universităţii TRANSILVANIA,2007.

    • Scutaru,L., Transferul termic prin panouri tip sandwich utilizate în construcţia caselor , Ed. Universităţii TRANSILVANIA, 2007.

    • Vlase,S.,s.a. Mecanica materialelor compozite armate cu fibre. Editura INFOMARKET, 2008.

In curs de publicare:

    • Chiru, I. Goia, S. Vlase, V. Mihălcică, Aplicaţii ale materialelor compozite în ingineria autovehiculelor, Ed. Universităţii Transilvania,2010;

Articole publicate în ultimii 5 ani în străinătate:

Articole la conferinţe ISI (7)

1. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Stanciu, A., Guiman, V., Munteanu,V., Vasii, M., The Increase of Loading Capability og Glass Fibers Reinforced Tubes. DAAAM Baltic 2008, Tallin.

2. Vlase, S., Scutaru, L., Teodorescu, H., Some Consideration concerning the Use of the Law of Mixture in the Identification of the Mechanical Properties of the Composites. DAAAM Baltic 2008, Tallin.

3. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Rosu,D.,Cotoros,D., Damping analysis of an advanced sandwich composite structure , Lucrarea 539-313. The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics- MECHANICS 06, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006, p. 147-152.

4. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Nicoara, D., Guiman, V., Mechanical Behaviour of Pre-tensioned Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Tubes Subjected to Internal Pressure. Studies in Mechanics, Environment and Geoscience. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS Int. Conf. on Continuum Mechanics, 15-17 May 2007, Portorose, Slovenia, p. 84-89, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-70-6.

5. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Candea, I., Scutaru, L., Estimation of Homogeniyed Elastic Coefficients of Pre-impregnated Composite Materials. Studies in Mechanics, Environment and Geoscience. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS Int. Conf. on Continuum Mechanics, 15-17 May 2007, Portorose, Slovenia, p. 134-139, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-70-6.

6. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Candea,I., On tensile behaviour of sheet moulding compounds, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization. Beijing, China. Pages 197-200,2007. ISBN ~ ISSN:1790-5117 , 978-960-6766-07-7

7. Teodorescu,H., Vlase, S., Dynamic Analysis of an Ultra-Lightweight Sandwich Structure for Multiple Applications. Paper 571-244. Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '07), Arcachon, France, October 13-15, 2007.

Articole publicate în străinătate (19)

1. Modrea, A., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Thalmann, I., The Use of the Law of Mixtures- Some Considerations. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki, 17-22 august,Grecia, 2003, p15.

2. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, D. Cotoros, D. Rosu, Computing Models to estimate the Behaviour at Temperature and Humidity Variations of some Fiber Reinforced Composites Structures, 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” 2nd IC-SCCE Athens, 5-8 July, 2006, p.31.

3. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, D. Cotoros, D. Rosu, An Original Computing Model Regarding the Longitudinal Tensile Behaviour of Multiphase Composite Materials, 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” 2nd IC-SCCE Athens, 5-8 July, 2006.p.17.

4. Teodorescu,H., Vlase, S., Guiman,V., Vasii,M., Munteanu, V.,On the Combined Thermal, Moisture and Mechanical Loading of some Composites Laminate Structures, National Conference with International Participants "Tehniceski sistemi i tehnologii 2006", 30 June-02 July 2006, Sliven, Bulgaria.

5. Teodorescu,H., Cotoros,D., Rosu,D. -The Behaviour at Temperature and Humidity Variations of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures. Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4, p.93-99

6. Teodorescu H., Vlase S., Cotoros D. - Experimental Method to determine Residual Internal Stresses in Tubular Composite Structures, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4, p.480-483.

7. Vlase S. - Second Order Effects in the Multibody Systems with Elastic Bars, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4.

8. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Cotoros, D., Munteanu, V., Guiman, V., Modelling of Tensile Behaviour of Sheet Moulding Compounds. The 2007 Int. Conf. on Mechanical Engineering ICME07, World Congress on Engineering WCE2007, Imperial College London, 2-4 July 2007, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, ISBN 978-988-98671-5-7 (vol.1), ISBN 978-988-98671-2-6 (vol.2), p. 1407-1410.

9. Teodorescu H., Vlase, S., Rosu, D., Ulea, M. , Residual Internal Stresses determined Experimentally in Hollow Composite Laminates , in E. E. Gdoutos (Editor), Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. Springer. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, p. 129 – 130 , Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 1-6, 2007, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-6.

10. Goia, I., Tofan,M., Vlase,S., Ulea, M., Tipuri de curbe caracteristice ale materialelor cu o comportare nelineară utilizate în construcţii aeronautice, Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.54-57, 27-29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

11. Goia, I, Roşu, D., Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Încercări exprimentale asupra unor materiale compozite noi. Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.58-61, 27-29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

12. Teodorescu, H., Vlase,S., Scutaru,L., Purcărea, R., Aspecte privind mecanica materialelor compozite stratificate solicitate biaxial. Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.62-65, -29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

13. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, I.Candea, V. Mihalcica, I. Popa, F. Teodorescu, AVERAGING METHODS IN THE MICROMECHANICS OF SHEET MOLDING COMPOUNDS, 3rd International Conference "from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering" Athens, Greece, 9-12 July, 2008,3rd IC-SCCE 2008.

14. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, R. Hisom, V. Guiman, V. Munteanu, A. Stanciu, D. Rosu, THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY VARIATIONS IN THE MODELING OF COMPOSITE LAMINATES. 3rd International Conference "from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering" Athens, Greece, 9-12 July, 2008,3rd IC-SCCE 2008.

15. Teodorescu, H., Goia, I. , Roşu, D., Birtu, C., Teodorescu, F. – Experimental Method to Increase the Loading Capability of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Composite Tubes. The 13th European Conference on Fracture ECF13, 6th – 9th September 2000, San Sebastián, Spain, paper reference: 4H198.

16.Goia, I. , Teodorescu, H., Roşu, D., Birtu, C. – The Pre-Tension of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Composite Tubes. Experimental Method. 17th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mecanics, 11th – 14th October 2000, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 111 – 112.

17.Teodorescu, F., Crăciunoiu, T.S., Teodorescu, H. – Static Behaviour Of An Advance

Sandwich Composite Structure. 12th International Scientific-Technical Conference Trans & MOTAUTO’05, 23rd – 25th November 2005, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, p. 83 – 86.

18.Teodorescu, H., Pătrănescu, A., Munteanu, V., Roşu, D., Teodorescu, F. – Computing Model To Determine The Homogenized Coefficients Of A SMC Composite Material Using The Homogenization Method. 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” IC-SCCE, Athens , 5-8 July 2006, pp. 30.

19. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Guiman, V., Vasii, M., Munteanu, V. – On the combined thermal-, moisture-, and mechanical loading of some composite laminate structures.

Proceedings Technical University Varna , ISSN 1312-8612, Maşinostroenie i maşinoznanie, 31 June-2 July 2006, Jrebchevo, Bulgaria , pp. 65 – 68.

Simpozioane şi conferinţe internaţionale la care s-a participat:

    • 2nd WSEAS International Conference On Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, MECHANICS’06, 20-22 Nov. 2006, Venice, Italy

    • Maşinostroenie i maşinoznanie, 31 June-2 July 2006, Jrebchevo, Bulgaria

    • 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering EE&AE 2006, Rousse, Bulgaria, 7 – 9 June 2006

    • 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” IC-SCCE, Athens, Greece, 5-8 July 2006

    • 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” IC-SCCE, Athens, Greece, 5-8 July 2006

    • 12th International Scientific-Technical Conference Trans & MOTAUTO’05, 23rd – 25th November 2005, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

    • 17th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mecanics, 11th – 14th October 2000, Prague, Czech Republic

    • The 13th European Conference on Fracture ECF13, 6th – 9th September 2000, San Sebastián, Spain;

    • The 11th International Symposium of Experimental Stress Analysis and Testing of Materials, MOCM-12, Vol. 3, University of Bacău, 13-14 sept. 2006;

    • The International Conference on Structural Analysis of advanced Materials ICSAM 2005, Politehnica University of Bucharest, September 15-17, 2005;

    • The 1st International Conference on Computing and Solutions in Manufacturing Engineering, CoSME’04, Section S6 – Aerospace Engineering, Sinaia, 15 – 17 Sept. 2004;

    • 10th International Symposium on Experimental Stress Analysis and Material Testing, Sibiu, 22 – 23 October 2004;

    • The 2007 Int. Conf. on Mechanical Engineering ICME07, World Congress on Engineering WCE2007, Imperial College London, 2-4 July 2007;

    • 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki, 17-22 august,Grecia, 2003.

Colaboratori interni în domeniul temei:

    • Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, prof. Opran Gheorghe;

    • Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, prof. Iuliu Negrean;

    • Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi Iasi, prof. Dimitrie Popescu;

    • Universitatea din Piteşti, prof. Nicolae Pandrea;

    • Universitatea Tehnică din Timişoara, prof. Mihai Toader;

    • Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa, conf. Valentina Pomăzan;

    • Universitatea Petru Maior, Targu-Mures, prof.Liviu Moldovan;

    • ICTCM Bucureşti;

    • INTEC Bucureşti;

    • IFIN-HH Bucureşti;

    • Spectromas srl Bucureşti;

    • ICPROA Braşov;

    • INAR SA Braşov;

    • Compozite srl Braşov.

Colaboratori externi în domeniul temei:

    • Universitatea din Orleans;

    • Universitatea Tor vergata Roma;

    • INTALES Gmbh Austria;

    • Consalo Gmbh Germania;

    • Universitatea Tehnică din Chişinău;

    • Universitatea Tehnică din München,dr. M. Katouzian.

Practică în străinătate în domeniul temei:

    1. Drd. Varga Botond, practica master 6 luni+4luni la INTALES Gmbh Austria;

    2. Drd. Bencze Andrei, practică master 6 luni la Consalo Gmbh Germania;

    3. Drd. Zelenyak Laurenţiu, practică master 6 luni la Consalo Gmbh Germania;

    4. Drd. Ramona Purcărea, practică master 4 luni la INTALES Gmbh.

Conferinţe internaţionale organizate de colectiv în domeniul temei în universitate:

1st International Conference ADVANCED COMPOSITES ENGINEERING, COMAT2006, Braşov, octombrie, 2006.


    2. 1st International Conference ADVANCED COMPOSITES ENGINEERING, COMAT2006, Braşov, october, 2006.

    3. 5th BALKAN SCHOOL IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Braşov, 2006, september.


    5. 2nd International Conference ADVANCED COMPOSITES ENGINEERING, COMAT2008, Braşov, october, 2008.