Social Media, Conferences & Events:
Feb 2025: Macrolunch seminar: "Festivals and proxy-VARs: market dynamics in emerging economies"
Dec 2024: Presenting at the 4th Winter symposium, "A look offshore: unpacking the routes of misinvoicing in international trade"
Feb 2024: Macrolunch seminar "Managing the chaos: policy challenges in a hyperinflationary environment"
Jul 2022: Presenting at CEMLA-FRBNY-ECB conference the paper: "Uncertainty spill-overs: when policy and financial realms overlap"
Jul 2022: Presenting at ERMAS the paper: "News and narratives: A cointegration analysis of Russian economic policy uncertainty"
Feb 2022: Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, organised by univ. of St. Gallen, Central Reserve Bank of Peru and Apoyo Consultoria. Paper: "Uncertainty spill-overs: when policy and financial realms overlap"
Sep 2021: (Invited talk) Presenting my paper "Uncertainty spill-overs: when policy and financial realms overlap", at the National Bank of Romania, (in RO and EN)
Jul 2021: Presenting a paper at ERMAS, the flagship Romanian academic conference for economists,
Jun 2021: (Invited talk) Career advice for young financial professionals:
Oct 2019: Linkedin post,
Mar 2019: Acknowledgement for my contribution to Rewriting the rules of the European Economy, by Stiglitz et al., published by FEPS
You can contact me at catalingaina(at)gmail(dot)com.
More about my research and professional experience can be found on my linkedin page, or by checking my Scopus, ResearchGate, and google scholar profiles.