March 26- Give God your "Only"

Post date: Mar 26, 2015 1:44:0 PM

From Pastor Amanda's Sermon on the Feeding of the 5,000

If we are most concerned about meeting our own needs first, we will be miserable. We will never have enough. We will constantly be saying “We only have…”

If ONLY we could

If ONLY it were like it used to be...

But Jesus has no time for that.

He takes the ONLY and he offers PLENTY.

You may be thinking, “I only have this much to give.

Jesus says, “It is enough, bring it to me!”

God has been performing miracles with “onlys” for centuries. Adam was only a pile of clay. Goliath and the Philistines looked at David and said, “He’s only a boy with only a slingshot.” They said Mary was “only” an unwed teenage mother. They said that Jesus was “only” a carpenter.

Just think about what God can do with your “only” when you offer it to Him.

There’s a poem entitled: “The Little Word ‘Only’”

I considered my little and God said to me,

“Child, what do you mean by saying, ‘only?’”

It was only a word that created all that you see;

It was only some dust that brought you to be.

Only a staff that parted the sea;

Only one man who set them all free.

Only a young shepherd who took down a foe;

And there’s a lesson to learn that I want you to know:

It was only a stable, and only a girl;

And only a Carpenter who changed the whole world.

So it’s not what YOU have, but MY strength, you see;

And I can do miracles with your little ‘only!’”

And only God knows what can happen when we give Him our all!