Chie Nakamura

中村 智栄

I am an associate professor at Waseda University in the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS) and the Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies (GSICCS).

My research investigates how language is represented and used in the mind. I am interested in questions such as how language users cope with indeterminacies in language and efficiently generate rich linguistic meaning during online comprehension, and how language is processed differently between native speakers and second language learners beyond the differences in the level of general language proficiency.  In my research, I use a variety of eye-tracking experimental methods such as eye-tracking in text reading, eye-tracking in the visual world paradigm, pupillary dilations (pupillometry), as well as neuropsychological techniques. For ongoing research projects, please see here.

Most recent publications


Ph.D. (2013) Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Japan

Dissertation title: Online Structural Analysis in the Processing of L1 Japanese and L2 English Access here

M.A. (2010) Keio University, Japan

B.A. (2008) Keio University, Japan

Research Experience and fellowships

2017-2019 Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, UCLA

2016-2019 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad, Department of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2014-2016 Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Linguistics, MIT

2013-2016 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Department of Language and Information Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2010-2013 JSPS Research Fellowship for Doctoral Students, Graduate school of Science and Technology, Keio University

2010-2013 Student Trainee, Laboratory for Language Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

2007-2009 Research Assistant, Keio Research Center for Foreign Language Education

Research Grants

December 2021 – March 2026

Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research     (B)) (PI): 21KK0006, JPY 14,300,000

April 2019 – March 2023

Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (PI): 19H01279, JPY17,160,000

April 2015 – March 2019

Grand-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) (PI): 15H05381, JPY20,020,000

April 2015 – March 2019

Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Co-PI), JPY20,020,000

April 2014 – March 2016

Grand-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (PI): 26580106, JPY3,380,000

April 2013 – March 2016

Grand-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (PI): 13J02332, JPY4,320,000

April 2012 – March 2015

Grand-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (Co-PI), JPY 3,510,000

April 2010 – March 2012

Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (PI): 10J03901, JPY 2,100,000

Teaching Experience

2024 Spring , Waseda University (SILS and GSICCS)

Statistics for Psycholinguistic Research

Introduction to Psycholinguistics

First Year Seminar B

Intermediate Seminar

2023 Fall , Waseda University (SILS and GSICCS)

Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Language and Mind

Research Design

First Year Seminar B

2020 Spring , Waseda University

Laboratory English A & B

 Concept Building and Discussion 1

2019 Fall, Waseda University

Academic Study Skills A & B

Concept Building and Discussion 2

2019 Spring, Waseda University

Laboratory English A & B

Academic English A&B

Concept Building and Discussion 1

2017-2018, UCLA

Reading Group Leader: Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistics

2016 Summer, MIT

Principle Investigator: Summer 2016 Using Eye-tracking in L2 Research

2016 Spring, MIT

Co-Lecturer: Adult Second Language Acquisition

Guest Lecturer: Using eye-tracking data in L2 sentence processing research", Linguistic Theory and Second Language Acquisition

2013-2014, Tokai University

Part-time lecturer: Academic Reading and Writing (Advanced & Intermediate), Tokai University

2012-2014, Showa medical school of nursing

Part-time lecturer: Medical English I & II


2020 The 9th WASEDA e-Teaching Award Good Practice Award

2014 The 14th Annual conference of the Japan Second Language Association Presenter Award

2012 CUNY Conference Student Presenter Award

2008 Keio University SFC Student Award