About Cartool

Cartool is the EEG analysis software developped at the Functional Brain Mapping Lab, in Geneva, Switzerland.
It is fully supported by the CIBM consortium.

This project started in 1996, and is still under active development. It contains all the toolboxes that have been developped for the Functional Brain Mapping Lab since 25+ years. Toolboxes such as Micro-States analysis (for all possible cases), Electrical Source Imaging / Inverse Solutions with original and robust approaches, EEG pre-processing, MRI pre-processing, etc...

 It has been entirely programmed in C++, for efficiency and maximum use of memory, by Denis Brunet. It has very little dependencies to control its stability and consistency through the years. A (nearly) full history of the code also exists via VCS, which also allows to explore older versions for any possible discrepancies in results across different versions. It also installs as a stand-alone program, which does not need any other packages nor any other installation.

Before you can use Cartool, you have to follow this very short list: