Other projects
Bangkok is one of the fast growing megacities. Currently 15 million people, a very rapid growth, and an insufficient planning and insufficient climate change adaptation strategies.
Very dynamic and powerful drivers increase the pressure on Bangkok and similar cities. An almost uncontrolled population growth, increasing and conflicting claims on space and the environment, linked with climate stress such as increased precipitation and increasing sea levels make these megacities the main social, environmental and economic challenges of the 21st century.
In a joint research project with Thai partners as Chulalongkorn university, Kasetsart university and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in Bangkok we link the dynamics of urban expansion with the sustainablility challenges. The aim is to develop a comprehensive model focusing on integration of urban dynamics and the dynamics forced by climate change and urban water management.
For the Bangladesh Deltaprogram we developed a Metamodel (Integrated Rapid Assessment Model) that simulates all relevant aspects of the Bangladesh physical water system and the socio-economic impacts on agriculture, safety and poverty.
The Metamodel is developed as a co-owned and co-developed model, so we ensured a large contribution from and co-ownership of Bangladesh partners.
Partners: Deltares, IWM, CEGIS
Serious gaming for resources management
"The only source of knowledge is experience" (Einstein)
Gaming helps to train professionals to understand the political and decision making context they operate in. Gaming is an risk-free approach to uncover dynamics for new or alternative strategies. Gaming offers a laboratory for gaining the badly needed experience for operating in an ever complex world.
Carthago is one of the partners in developing the Sustainable Delta Game (with Deltares and Utrecht University).
Carthago Consultancy developed 2- and 3-group versions of the Fishbank-game, a game about resources management and 'The Tragedy of the Commons'-type of problems.
Rhine River Basin
Generating support for cost-effective restoration of ecosystems for water buffering in middle mountain regions. The aim is to establish a market for Blue EcoServices. The water buffer capacity in upstream areas is a blue product that can be sold to potential downstream clients, such as water managers or regional authorities searching for greener water management alternatives. Partners: Bureau Stroming, WWF The Netherlands, Wetlands International
China: Yellow River Basin
EU Quality Assurance Expert on Yellow River Basin Climate Change Scenario Development. The Yellow River basin is under huge stress. The demand for water is exceeding supply. The economic growth leads to a decrease in water quality, and the growing urban population results in increasing water demands. Erosion (natural and man-induced) yields high sediment loads, with new and existing reservoirs silting up rapidly. Global Climate Change intensifies these challenges.
The scenarios describe this system as becoming under even more pressure. This project aims at a structured picture of the pressures and challenges, and at giving policy recommendations.
Excursion Dutch water management for Pakistani experts
Carthago Consultancy organised an exposure visit and training mission for Pakistani experts of the Sindh Irrigation District to Netherlands water management highlights. The visit took place March 26-29, 2018.
Although the countries of Pakistan and The Netherlands are incomparable in their physical setting and context, water management solutions pioneered in the Netherlands can be an inspiration to similar problems in other countries. Five members of the Irrigation Department of Sindh, Pakistan, visited the Maeslantkering, Deltares and Neeltje Jans. This visit allowed for a very brief but very intense immersion into Dutch water management practices.
We talked a lot about similarities and dissimilarities between Pakistan and The Netherlands, and we gained appreciation for the struggles on both sides to deal with water related problems. We had a lot of fun and we learned a lot.