I have been an associate professor in LIG (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory), University Grenoble-Alpes, since December 2010.

I am working on the following topics.

  • Agent-based social simulation for crisis management : ACTEUR project, SWIFT project (bushfires), SPRITE and MAGIL (floods), MIMICS (earthquakes)...

  • Complex cognitive agent architectures for simulation: BDI, in particular in the GAMA platform

  • Modelling realistic human behaviour, including emotions, social attachment, social cohesion, cognitive biases, etc

  • Logical formalisation of emotions and other psychological concepts, in particular

    • emotions of shame and guilt, with Dominique Longin from IRIT (Toulouse)

    • psychological process of coping with emotions, with Emiliano Lorini from IRIT (Toulouse)

      • Strategic emotions and their impact on decision making, as part of the EmoTES project, coordinated by the LILaC team of IRIT (Toulouse)

I used to work on the following topics: