Useful Links

Academic Life and Teaching

Martha Olney's Reflections on Teaching

David Romer's Rules for Making it Through Graduate School and Finishing Your Dissertation

Latex and Related

Latex Tips, Tricks, Shortcuts, and Nuances: "a place for everyone to share all the little things that make life easy when using LaTeX"

JabRef: Reference manager for making bibliographies in LaTex

Making Slides...And Doing It With Beamer: Make slides in LaTex

A Very Minimal Introduction to TikZ: Make nice figures in LaTex, by Jacques Cremer

Econometrics and Computation

Model-Free Impulse Responses: Òscar Jordà's "local projection" method is simple to implement and growing in use.

Vector Autoregressive Models and Cointegration: Relatively easy-to-follow guide by Heino Bohn Nielsen

Vector Autoregression and Cointegration: Somewhat more technical guide by Mark Watson

Write Your Own Bootstrap Program: Bootstrap in Stata

Economic History

MGM Inflation Infomercial: A 10-minute video from June 1933 that ran in theaters before feature films to explain Roosevelt's inflationary policies to the public