Main Publications

19. "Strategic Pricing, Lifespan Choices and Environmental Implications of Peer-to-Peer Sharing", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102953, 2024 (with Francisco J. André and Sandra Rousseau)

18.  "An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Imperfect Compliance on Technology Adoption", Environmental and Resource Economics 81, 425-451, 2022 (with Lidia Vidal-Meliá, Eva Camacho-Cuena and José Luis Zofío)

17. “Energy - Efficient Design, Consumer Awareness, and Public Policy", SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 12, 231-254, 2021 (with Sandra Rousseau)

16. “Enforcing Regulatory Standards in Stock Pollution Problems”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 100, 102297, 2020 (with Francisco Cabo and and Guiomar Martín-Herrán), 

15. "Technology Adoption in Emission Trading Programs with Market Power”, The Energy Journal 39, SI1, 145-174, 2018 (with Francisco J. André),

14. “Optimal Pollution Standards and Non-Compliance in a Dynamic Framework”, Environmental and Resource Economics 68 (3), 537–567, 2017 (with Francisco Cabo and Guiomar Martin-Herran),

13. “Non-Uniform Implementation of Uniform Standards”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 51 (2), 159–183, 2017 (with Dietrich Earnhart and Sandra Rousseau),

12. “Emission Standards and Monitoring Strategies in a Hierarchical Setting”, Environmental and Resource Economics 60 (3), 395-412, 2015 (with Sandra Rousseau),

11. “Pollution Standards, Technology Investment and Fines for Non-Compliance”, Journal of Regulatory Economics 44 (2), 156-176, 2013, https//

10. “Learning about Compliance under Asymmetric Information", Resource and Energy Economics 34 (1), 55-73, 2012 (with Sandra Rousseau),

9. “Optimal Conservation Programs, Asymmetric Information and the Role of Fixed Costs”, Environmental and Resource Economics 50 (2), 305-323, 2011 (with Daan Van Soest)

8. "Environmental Policy Instruments: Technology Adoption Incentives with Imperfect Compliance", Environmental and Resource Economics 47 (2), 261-274, 2010 (with Eva Camacho and Jose Luis Zofío),

7. "On Reducing the Windfall Profits in Environmental Subsidy Programs", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (2), 192 – 205, 2009 (with Daan Van Soest), 

6. "A Note on Product Differentiation under Concave Transportation Costs", Cuadernos de Economía 31 (85), 91- 106, 2008 (with Hamid Hamoudi)

5. "To Comply or Not To Comply? Pollution Standard Setting under Costly Monitoring and Sanctioning", Environmental and Resource Economics 41 (2), 155 - 168, 2008.

4. "Equilibrium Non-Existence in Spatial Competition with Quadratic Transportation Costs", in: Public Finance, Monetary Policy and Market Issues (E. Shinnick, editor), LIT Verlag, Berlin, p. 341- 356, 2008 (with Hamid Hamoudi and Manuel Saez) 

3. "The Linear Cost Equivalent Rule: A Solution Procedure for Heterogeneous Joint Production Problems", Mathematical Social Sciences 51 (1), 70 - 80, 2006 (with Laurence Kranich) 

2. "Bargaining in Environmental Regulation Revisited", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 50 (2), 422 - 433, 2005.

1. "Controlling Pollution with Relaxed Regulations", Journal of Regulatory Economics 26 (1), 85 - 104, 2004 (with Hamid Hamoudi)

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