Carlo Wix

I am a principal economist at the Federal Reserve Board. My current research interests are in banking regulation, financial intermediation, and consumer credit.


Mar 2024: The paper "Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing Versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital?" has been published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Mar 2024: I will present the paper "Who Pays for Your Rewards? Redistribution in the Credit Card Market" at the Georgia Tech – Atlanta Fed Household Finance Conference.

Oct 2023: The October 2023 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices has been published.  

Aug 2023: I will present the paper "The Long-Run Real Effects of Banking Crises: Firm-Level Investment Dynamics and the Role of Wage Rigidity" at the EEA 2023 in Barcelona.

May 2023: CNBC has featured our paper "Who Pays for Your Rewards? Redistribution in the Credit Card Market".

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