INTERGENERATIONAL THEFT, CLIMATE THEFT, CLIMATE CRIME, CLIMATE INJUSTICE – for every $1 for coal today future generations will pay $1-$14 to sequester CO2

Dr Gideon Polya (2015): “A damage-related Carbon Price of $150- $250 per tonne CO2 [Dr Chris Hope] means that for every $1 received by mining companies for thermal coal, future generations will be forced to pay $6.6 -$11.0 in today's dollars for repairing the consequences of that pollution of the atmosphere and ocean with CO2 . This assessment is in agreement with estimates that for every $1 received by mining companies for thermal coal, the cost of sequestering the CO2 from burning that coal by a variety of means (biochar, Accelerated Weathering of Limestone, mineral carbonation or Carbon Capture and Storage ) ranges from $1 to $14. Young people should be appalled that, in addition to being bequeathed mass species extinction, widespread ecosystem destruction and massive economic disruption, for every $1 paid to climate criminal mining corporations for thermal coal future generations will have to pay $1 to $14 for adaptation measures and sequestering CO2 pollution. Young people and those who care for them must take a stand against this horrendous climate theft, climate injustice, climate crime and intergenerational inequity” (Gideon Polya, “Intergenerational Theft – For Every $1 For Coal Today Future Generations

Will Pay $1-$14 To Sequester CO2”, Countercurrents, 8 April, 2015: )).