Suffering from toothache? Get it checked at its earliest!

At some point in your life, you may have had that awful toothache! At first you hardly notice it. Then you start to ignore it. But as time passes, it gets worse and eventually you have to succumb to the fact that you need to visit a dentist.

The sooner, the better

The truth is, the sooner you see a dentist Brampton when you are suffering from a toothache, the better. Sometimes it may just be an infection that can be treated with antibiotics, but in certain cases, you may have to get your tooth removed completely.

When is extraction needed?

If the tooth has poor prognosis, and treatments such as root canal are no longer an option, the only choice left is extraction. Most tooth extractions are simple procedures that take a few minutes to complete. However, it is only after x-rays and thorough examination that the doctors decide whether the tooth has to go or not.

Dental extractions are normally recommended when:

  • You have incurred infection that cannot be fixed by root canal.

  • You have extra teeth that are hindering other teeth from coming out.

  • You are getting braces and are required to get rid of the teeth that are crowding others.

  • Your tooth has undergone extreme damage due to deep cavity or fracture.

Even though it may sound complicated, tooth extraction is a routine procedure that has a very low risk of developing permanent or long-term complications. The procedure itself is painless and is normally done under local aesthetic.

How the teeth are extracted?

Dental experts use X-rays to examine the tooth that needs to be extracted. The best dentist Brampton perform two kinds of extractions: simple and surgical.

  • Simple extractions start with the application of local anesthesia to numb the tooth. The dental expert then grips the tooth with forceps, slowly loosening it through motion, then pulling it out of the socket. Once the extraction is complete, patients will not feel any discomfort. In case they feel any ache, they will be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Surgical extractions are a little complicated. This method is used on teeth that have not come in completely. To start with, the dental expert will apply local anesthesia to numb the area. After that, the dentist will make a tiny incision into your gum-line to expose the obstructed tooth. This incision will help the dental expert in removing the tooth. Once the procedure is over, patients may experience pain or discomfort in the area of the extraction.

When you choose a clinic, make sure you chose the one that has caring and courteous staff. In case you are anxious or unsure about receiving dental treatment the staff should be able to put you at ease and make sure the entire process is easy!