Altering the look of your teeth with dental bonding

Do you suffer from broken, chipped, or stained teeth? Bonding can make your projections look new again without damaging your budget. In fact, tooth bonding is one of the most inexpensive ways to make small dental repairs.

What is dental bonding?

Tooth or dental bonding is basically an aesthetic dentistry procedure wherein a tooth-colored material is applied on a projection, molded into shape, hardened, and finally polished. The procedure is known as bonding because the composite material bonds to the surface of the tooth. Tooth bonding is best for small aesthetic dentistry work, such as fixing a chipped or broken tooth or closing gaps in-between the teeth.

What does bonding involve?

Your dental expert will first apply phosphoric acid to the tooth’s surface. The acid roughens and etches the surface to make sure the composite material stays in place. Once etched, the bonding material is placed on the surface, sculpted and shaped. A special lighting is utilized to help the material set and harden. At last, the composite is buffed and polished for a smooth finish.

Pros of dental bonding:

  1. Cost. Dental bonding is pretty inexpensive, the average cost is $300 to $600. However, several dental insurance plans cover the expenses of dental bonding, especially when it is performed for structural reasons.

  2. Speed. The cosmetic dentist Brampton finishes the treatment in one day. The whole process can be completed in thirty minutes to one hour per tooth.

  3. Ease. The patient normally does not require anesthesia, unless tooth bonding is being utilized to fill up a decayed tooth. In comparison to crowns and veneers, dental bonding also necessitates the least amount of enamel removal.

Maintaining Dental Bonding:

Since dental bonding is more prone to chipping and staining in comparison to other forms of cosmetic dentistry Brampton procedures, special care is needed to keep the bonded teeth looking beautiful and natural. Here are a few tips to keep your dental bonding in the best shape:

  1. Reduce the intake of tea, coffee, and red wine.

  2. In case you smoke, this is a great reason to quit smoking.

  3. Avoid nail biting. You should also avoid chewing on objects, such as pencils, ice, and raw carrots.

Since dental bonding requires the right skills make sure you choose a dental expert who is skilled to perform the procedure.