About Can't Stop Me and Kolleen Bourdage

Mission of Can't Stop Me:

Build the characteristics and skills needed to be successful in basketball and life despite economic, racial, religious, or any other classification.

Basketball Training for Boys and Girls 

Elementary to High School


PNW Ignite 5th Grade Girls AAU Team Spring 2024

Good basketball training is hard to find. Finding a coach who knows a lot about basketball and effectively conveys knowledge and skill to the players can be a challenge. Can’t Stop Me basketball training is coached by Kolleen Bourdage, a Division I collegiate player who has a wide range of experience in basketball and 14 years experience as a certificated teacher. She prides herself in instruction that is clear and individualized so players feel they have a better understanding of the game and their own abilities.

Kolleen played at Washington State University and coached at Enumclaw High School and Mount Rainier High School while reaching second and third place in the State Tournament.

Can't Stop Me basketball training offers instruction in all aspects of the game including but not limited to:

*court awareness and how it impacts decision making

*ball handling



*offensive movement with and without the ball


*posting up and post moves


Can't Stop Me is a certified business created by Kolleen Bourdage to help children excel as a student, athlete and person in general. A main focus of Can't Stop Me is the mindset of a child. Studies show that one of the most influential characteristics a person needs to find success and be happy is resiliency. Creating resiliency and a champion mindset is a main goal of Can't Stop Me. With the right mindset, a person will not only accomplish their goals but exceed them. 

About Kolleen Bourdage

Basketball Experience:

I have played basketball the majority of my life, including my time in college as a member of the Washington State University women's basketball team and I continue to play as often as possible as an adult.

There's a quote I will often use, "There's more to life than basketball, but there's more to basketball than basketball." I've learned so much about life through my time playing ball. I've learned that if you have enough determination to achieve a goal, nothing will stop you. I've learned a lot about pride, integrity, teamwork, responsibility and much more. It's because of all these things that I made the decision to coach. 

My official coaching started in 2012, when I became an assistant coach for the girls basketball team at Mount Rainier High School. That first year our team got 3rd in state and 2nd in state the following year. Not long after, I got the wonderful opportunity to help coach the Enumclaw High School girls team. The coaches are incredibly skilled and very experienced! It was amazing to see the how much the team improved in just one season. Since then I have trained both male and female players ranging from 3rd grade up through high school.  

As a coach I strive to ensure my players understand the why they are doing something along with the how. While growing up I received incredible training from a variety of coaches but the connection between the skills I was learning and how it fit into what was happening on the rest of the court was lacking. It is my goal to make sure the players that come to me do not have this same challenge. When we understand the cause and effect of our actions on the court, we can make better decisions that help impact the outcome of the game. 

Contact Information:

For more information or to sign up for basketball training sessions contact Kolleen Bourdage

call/text (206)335-9865


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