Children's rights

As a children's rights advocate and former member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children, I write stories and plays to help children become aware of their rights. I also give guest lectures on the subject matter.  

Check out the interview here.

I have published "a dialogue... which models inquiry about a tough subject, religion." 

"Let's not talk about it anymore" in Questions: Philosophy for Young People Volume 22, Fall 2022

I was inspired to write this dialogue after realizing that while Article 14 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child respects the rights of parents and/or guardians to guide their children on what to believe and what religion they should practice, it does not speak of instances where parents are not always the best guides (they may be biased, racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, etc.). I wrote this piece for children in situations where they are morally conflicted on whether to behave in accordance with the "questionable" beliefs of their parents. 

I have published a short fiction piece called "Us Wards" in the literary journal International Human Rights Art Festival Publishes 2021 (p.140). The story deals with violence and injustices inflicted on vulnerable, poor youths at the hands of ruthless diplomats with immunity. This is a segment of the population from which stories are rarely heard. 2021 marks the beginning of a global campaign to End Violence Against Children, one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030. With "Us Wards," I contribute to this campaign.  

Curriculum and Instruction in Drama Education at the Faculty of Education, McGill University, January 20th, 2020

The Ugly Ones: Panel of Child Rights Advocates