Pulse check


due to lack of better inspiration, I just choose the code name that came up in me .. it is not final, just a temporary codename

Pulse check

More specifically, this checks the pulse of the soul (the personality self) in this physical life or incarnation, as a step in the evolutionary journey of your eternal spirit. So when this was called IM Pulse check, the IM reads in (at least) two different ways, and these two ways are crucial aspects of the initiative:

    • I M stands for Intrinsic Motivation, so a regular pulse check, imagine yearly monitoring over a 20 to 30 years period .. IM stands for the concept of flow, of drive, of personal and professional fulfillment .. it has an energetic, quality and performance aspects to it
    • I AM also has a different meaning in a spiritual context, that is that every human has the divine core in his/her higher self (mental body), so the scope is also the support the soul's journey with the consciousness, openness of the individual (see I Am in literature, eg references here)

In a way one could say both aspects are like the overt and covert agenda of the initiative. The IM is the scope coined for the official public information (wide audience). The I AM will only be for those who's worldview includes reincarnation, who have some sense of spiritual development, or who are at least open to this. It is called covert because people who do not subscribe to I AM will shut down and judge this is not for them as it is not aligned with their worldview. Hence, since this is a business initiative, the IM public flag should allow to attract a large-enough audience to make the initiative viable in the world, yet the most unique value, the true differentiator, and the higher purpose of the initiative lies in providing an entry into spiritual awareness with the I AM


The purpose of this initiative is to gain an understanding of the Self, that is the inner core of the individual. This is really a multi-layered concept, and through the years the individual will discover and integrate consecutive layers and dimensions, as he/she develops.

In business one would refer to personality type, strenghts and weaknesses, etc.

In coaching one would refer to personal values, fulfillment, life purpose and vision

Spiritually one would say an awareness of one's astral and mental body, with balances and unbalances.


- interviews

- portraits and feedback: pictures, 360°

- personality assessments: MBTI, Big Five, FIRO-B, ..

- coaching (values, vision, ..)

- astrological birth chart reading, western and jyotish, transits and progressions

- journalling, diary, self-reflection, meditation

- advanced techniques: therapy, regression

- special life events: death, disease, synchronicity, depression or crisis of meaning, .. seeing and using transitions as stages and opportunities for growth