
Thinking about being a member of Camp D.O.A.?

Our sign up for the camp is beginning now, so get yourself on the list!

Send us an email describing yourself and what you think you could contribute to our theme camp.


Please be sure to read:

What we are looking for:


    • If you want to help with both the set-up and tear-down of our theme camp, you will likely be accepted.

    • If you can only help with either the set-up or tear-down then you may be considered.

    • If you would like to host your own event within the Peritwinkle venue, we appreciate your enthusiasm and will consider you and your event. Please let us know your proposed event specifics, approximate expenses, if you will be providing the people and resources and/or how many other campmates you will need for your proposed event.


    • You have read and fully understand the 10 principles of Burning Man. (If the link for the 10 principles is broken - we know that you will search for it since you are self-reliant)

    • You have read and fully understand the rules and suggestions found in the Burning Man Survival Guide.

    • Not only are you self-reliant but you seek to find ways to help out without being told to do so. We are not your mother.

    • You support the camp in a mature helpful manner.


    • Once you have been accepted into our camp, you will not change your arrival/departure days unless you will be there longer.

    • If you have scheduled an event, the event details will not change

    • If there is a reason you cannot attend Burning Man or have chosen not to camp with us, your camp contribution will not be refunded.

Similar Interests

    • Not so much of a requirement, but #1 we hope that you have a distinctive pallet for fine wine and champagne. We all enjoy outdoor activities so we hope you have some similar interests too.

Model Citizen

    • You are a model citizen of BRC - You run after MOOP when you see it flying by and pick up any MOOP rather than walking over it, you greet people nicely as they pass by, you help out our neighbors when you see them struggling to secure their camp in a high wind, and you happily and willfully contribute your hard earned money to our camp so that we can purchase goodies to distribute to many citizens of BRC at our events.

So, what happens if you are not an ideal campmate:

Not really sure if this is me

  • Please do not waste your time and ours. There are plenty of larger camps that will basically treat you like a number. You will not have as much of an impact on them if you are a bit flaky because there are plenty of people to cover for you.

  • Many large theme camps advertise on ePlaya blog that they are looking for members. Go and good luck.

What if I am not sure about being part of this camp

  • The choices is yours. Most members feel like family members by the end of the week. If you are looking for a wild experience you will probably not find it here. But what you will find is a great group of adventurous people that like decadence and enjoy having a good time. We are not a rave but a great place to hang out the other 20 hours of a day.

Ha! I talked my way into the camp and now I can be a slacker

  • Shame on you! You do not have the Burning Man spirit that is so important to us! Pack your stuff up and move on. Yep! Just because you made some non refundable contributions to our camp events, it does not secure you a home in our plot of land. We will gladly request the help of Rangers to send you packing.

Thank you for your interest!