U8-U14 Rec Program
Overview. The U8-U14 Recreational Program provides a low-cost option for kids to play soccer on a community-based team with their peers. Game scores are not recorded, no league standings are kept, and every child is guaranteed to play at least 50% of each game. Teams generally have kids with a wide range of skills -- it is not uncommon for teams to include players who are playing soccer for the first time, as well as players who also play on competitive "select" teams.
Team Formation. Teams are formed according to rules that CCYSL has adopted that comply with KYSA guidelines. To group kids by geographic locations, CCYSL has adopted sub-groups that align with local elementary and middle schools. More information on registration and team formation can be found on the Registrar's Page.
Games. Games for U8, U10, U12 are all played "in-house" between CCYSL teams. Games are generally played on Saturdays at the CCYSL fields at Pendery Park (PP) in Melbourne, KY or at Fort Thomas Tower Park (TP). Game Fields Make-up games are generally played during weeknights at these same fields.
U14 Games Prior to (2020 Covid ) were played with other local recreational soccer Clubs. Home games will be played at the PP and TP fields. Away games are generaly played at fields in northern Kentucky with 30 to 40 minutes.
Standings. We do not keep standings or records for the U8-U14 recreational programs.
Practices. Practices are held either once or twice a week at local fields that CCYSL has obtained permission to use from the municipality or school district.
Note: It is very important that we follow the rules for using our practice and game fields so that we can continue to use this fields in the future. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.