ピダンとは About Pidan
Cambodian traditional pictorial ikat silk ‘Pidan’ is facing extinction after over thirty years of civil strife. The antique ‘Pidans’ have been destroyed or taken overseas. The skilled weavers are getting old and there are few weavers who are learning the techniques and complicated motifs of ‘Pidan’ since it requires weavers to be skilled and to spend a huge amount of time and effort.
Pidan, or ‘bitan’ as it is often pronounced, is a very special, elaborately designed pictorial silk textile used in Buddhist temples. The word pidan can be translated as ‘ceiling’ and these textiles were hung at the ceilings in a temple.
ピダンは、絹糸の3枚斜文織(しゃもんおり)で絵物語を描いた世界でも稀な絹織物です。絵柄は、仏教に関る古代説話ジャータカ(本生譚)、白い象、鳳凰、宇宙観や精神世界などを描いたものが多く、ナーガ(インド神話における半神的な性格をもつ大蛇または龍。不死・生命を象徴し、カンボジアでは、水・大海や大地を司る守護神として人々に奉られている)、アプサラ(天女)、生命樹(ナーガとともにヒンドゥ教の中では神格化されている)、バイサイ(バナナやヤシの葉で作った供物)、他、帆船、鹿、馬、孔雀、小鳥、花、雲、なども描かれています。 Pidan is distinguished from other silk textiles by its design of narrative scenes, which often relate to Buddhism. Pidan also often depicts Naga, the image of dragon or python, with a half-god like character in Indian myth. Cambodians worship Naga as a protecting god of water and earth. Other common motifs are Apsara, a celestial nymph, and the tree of life. Both Naga and the tree of life have divine status in Hinduism. Pidan with religious scenes is never worn as clothing. Whereas most decorative Khmer craft, especially the decorative work in the structure of temples, is carried out by men, the weaving of ceremonial Pidan was mainly the work of women.
The designs are produced by a painstaking method called ‘hol’ in the Khmer language, and known elsewhere by the term ‘íkat’. This process creates the desired pattern by tying the threads prior to dyeing. For each colour the threads must have new ties added, and/or the previous ones removed. Only after all the dyeing is finished can the weaving begin. The weaver must carefully align each new weft thread as she weaves, or the pattern will not be clear. The process thus involves much preparation and clear forethought of the design.
出典 Reference:
福岡市美術館(Fukuoka Art Museum), 2003 『カンボジアの染織(The Textiles of Cambodia)』
Green, G. 2003, Traditional Textiles of Cambodia, River Books, Bangkok.
Green, G. 2008, Pictorial Cambodian Textiles, River Books, Bangkok.
森本喜久男 (Morimoto, K.), 2008 『カンボジア絹絣の世界-アンコールの森によみがえる村(The World of Cambodian ikat silk: A village reviving in the forest of Angkor)』, NHKブックス[1102],日本放送出版会
Siyonn S.,2008 『ピダン・プレア-その信仰と慣習- (Pidan in Khmer Culture)』 REYUM, Phnom Penh.