Online resources

Bilingualism Matters in Edinburgh is the initiative that inspired us to launch CBN, and has more resources for parents.

Bilingualism offers professional advice by speech and language therapists.

Life as a Bilingual is a blog by eminent linguist François Grosjean, author of Bilingual: Life and Reality.

The ESRC International Centre for Language and Communication Development has produced many fantastic evidence briefings, talks and other resources

Resources about bilingualism and raising bilingual families can be found on this European Commission-funded website.

The British Academy, together with The Guardian, has published a report on 'Living Languages', which makes the case for language learning from many perspectives. You can also download the report below.

Other initiatives like the Bilingualism Network around the country:

- BiLingo in London

- UCom in Ulster

- Bilingualism Matters in Reading

You can find out more about multilingualism research going on at Cambridge:

- Cambridge Language Sciences

- Multilingualism and Multiliteracy project

- CamPAL - take part in research!

Below you can also find further resources, including about the APPLA “Give your child the gift of your native language” campaig.
