License Renewal

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California Designated Representative License Renewal

If you have a personal license, such as the California Designated Representative license, you probably don't want to let it lapse.

So, here are a couple of things to consider:

  • Approximately six weeks before the expiration date of your license, a renewal application will be mailed to your last known address of record. Licensees are responsible for renewing their licenses even if they do not receive a renewal notice. The Board does not send duplicate renewal applications.

  • If you have not received the renewal notice within 4 weeks of expiration of the license, you may renew your license by submitting a Request for Renewal form to the Board. Do not submit a renewal request more than 60 days before the expiration date of the license.

  • You may verify that your license has been renewed by clicking on the Board's Verify a License.

These are some of the key highlights. If you want to learn more, visit the Board's Personal License Information/Renewal.

Renew License Early to Avoid Processing Delay - California State Board of Pharmacy

The Board typically sends out an announcement around May. The message usually goes something like this:

"As the June 30 end of the fiscal year approaches, the California State Board of Pharmacy expects a delay in processing payments for license renewals submitted by mail during the last week of June and first two weeks of July.

To avoid delay, pharmacists, advance practice pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and designated representatives are encouraged to renew your license online. Renewal payments online will not be delayed in processing. To [renew online, go to and click on License Renewal Online under “Quick Hits.”]"