Part A. 极限 (The Limit)


01. 函数的极限 (The Limit of a Function) .....(点我观看) (玩玩GeoGebra)

02. 极限的运算公式 (Basic Formulas for Limits) .....(点我观看)

03. 夹挤定理 (The Squeeze Theorem) .....(点我观看) (玩玩GeoGebra)

04. 单边极限 (One-Sided Limits) .....(点我观看)

05. 重要的极限公式 (Two Important Limits) .....(点我观看)

06. 无穷大的极限值与铅直渐近线 (Infinite Limits and Vertical Asymptotes) .....(点我观看)

07. 无穷远处的极限与水平渐近线 (Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes) .....(点我观看)

08. 连续函数 (Continuous Functions) .....(点我观看)

09. 连续函数的运算 (Formulas for Continuous Functions) .....(点我观看)

10. 中间值定理 (The Intermediate Value Theorem) .....(点我观看)