
On the OWL webpage for this course you will also find a "Forums" tab. This is meant as a place for you to ask questions about both the course structure and the course material. Together with the TAs for this course, I will occasionally monitor the forum and answer some of your questions.

Please, write ALL questions related to the course material on the forums. You should use them as your primary way of asking me questions outside of office hours and classes. It is easier for me to answer there rather than via email. Furthermore, in this way all answers will be publicly available to all students, making them helpful for others that might share your own doubts.

If you are asking for help with a specific exercise in the textbook, it is recommended that you give a brief description of the exercise itself (even if you cite the exercise number on the book), so that everyone can get a complete understanding of what you are asking without having to consult the book first.

Pompeii's forum

Pompeii's forum