Goal 2

Demonstrate mastery of APA formatting and researching strategies by effectively locating relevant articles, citing them, and interpreting the data for current or future use in my career.


Understanding and applying APA formatting and research strategies has not been easy. Writing has not always been one of my natural strengths, but then you add new rules and format to the mix and it makes for a challenging process. By using several helpful online resources and using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association I’ve found my way. Some of the greatest help I’ve received in accomplishing this goal is the feedback I’ve received from instructors. This goal has helped me develop better professional habits and improved my research abilities.


I believe teaching can be an artful process where a person can feel free to create and teach as they see fit. While this philosophy may be true it’s also important to have order and standards. That’s where APA formatting comes into my professional development. Understanding and applying APA formatting and research strategies has not been easy for me. The rules and standards of writing and conducting research have not always been one of my strengths. By using several helpful online resources and using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association I’ve found my way. I’ve learned that conducting effective research requires preparation (see Research Proposal). This project highlights my understanding of how to properly find and site referred journals. Using resources like these in my own research gives my voice more ground to stand on. For my research proposal I consider what the challenges are and what the potential benefits could be for implementing technology into my seminary classes. This helps me develop my own conclusions and identify gaps in current research which gives light to future studies I can pursue.

Research to me is about intellectual engagement, gathering data and interpreting it. My studies in instructional technology have helped me see the value of both qualitative and quantitative research (see Coding write-up, Qualitative write-up & T-test). I enjoy the exploratory nature of qualitative studies, but like the numbers quantitative data can produce. I was able to apply these practices to a project I consider one of my greatest accomplishment, this because of the effort I put into it and the skills I gained along the way (see Richins FP). This project required a lot of feedback from my professor as well as interpreting original data from the classes I teach. This was one of my first experiences practicing instructional design including site identification, needs assessment, context analysis, information processing, developing assessment tools and making design strategies. The best part about it was it all mine and I would be able to make applications to directly to my professional situation. I recognized the opportunities technology could have in my classroom, but also the training it would require. I would consider this goal a work in progress and a foundation I continue to build on.


Research Proposal.docx
Cade Richins Qualitative Write-up.docx
Coding Write-up.docx
t-test write-up Cade Richins final.docx