Betty's Tips-Spring 2023

Happy Spring, Dear Readers,

Now that spring has arrived, I’m spending more time outside preparing the garden for this summer’s vegetables. The outdoors always stirs my imagination. Story ideas are popping up faster than I can write them—The Great Tomato Caper, To Sprout or not to Sprout, and the greatest mystery, Who Nabbed the Baby Greens.

Friends at my writing group had suggestions to help organize my racing ideas. One asked if I had any kind of system. I had tried a filing system with note cards, but there isn’t enough room on them to jot down the hook line and what gave me the idea. This may work for some, but not for me.

Eva gave me a clever idea to keep track of stories with Google Forms. Each story idea would take up only one line on the form and the weaker ideas could be weeded out by just deleting a line! She explained how simple it was to create the form, but I have my doubts. Technology and I go together much like oil and vinegar.

Anu had even more ways to remember my ideas by using my cell phone. I could take pictures of what set the thought into motion, then talk into one of the note taking apps to add to the story. This seemed simpler as I always have my phone on hand.

They both had good systems, but would they work for me? I scoured the web for more ways to capture my thoughts and came across a blog that not only explained several ways to keep track of ideas, but also why it’s important to keep track of all writing. There were different apps to try using on my cell phone or laptop.

No matter which system I decide on, all of the suggestion thought it best to find one that works instead of trying to keep the ideas in my head.

There’s that darn villain from Who Nabbed the Baby Green hopping into the spinach patch. Time to mend the fencing! Happy writing!