Betty's Tips 9/13

Dear Readers,

I have returned from my poetic retreat and although writing poetry is up-lifting, unless you can write Beowulf or The Divine Comedy, you most likely won’t earn a living allowing your pen to become the tool of your poetic muse. As you know my work in progress “Dreams of a Salad Bar," is still keeping me busy. Although, I find myself spending more time in the garden talking (ahem) I mean tending to my leeks and cabbages lately. Well, a girl’s gotta eat you know! But I digress. While waiting to make my first million from my bestseller in the works; I’ve been doing a little work writing for the web. The pay is spotty, but at least I’m gaining exposure right?

Here are a few of the websites that actually PAY for your work. , ,

You create your own account, post a sample of your work, and then you can bid on projects that are posted, or sometimes you can be contacted by an interested employer directly.

If you are new to the business of writing for the web or just want to see what’s trending, check out this link :, It gives you the top ten tips for good web writing. I mean who knew that things were backward on the web….where the conclusion is the introduction.

If that’s not enough for you check out the seven must have qualities of highly successful web writing.

http%3A// No point in being lowly successful now is there?

To see more websites that are arguably the best at hiring and paying writers for their work; go to this hot link:

Of course I can’t vouch for the validity of any of these websites. Employers differ from job to job and therefore it is up to the writer to trust their own common sense. For some information on how to avoid scams take a look here:

There’s nothing worse than writing for days, editing for weeks, and then handing over your work - along with the copyright….and not getting paid. So please do as much initial research on the project beforehand and read the fine print.

Of course for those of you who want to make a little extra and possible win some recognition with your fabulous Dantesque writing…check out contests on this lovely site:

And just to end this month’s tips on a humorous note…make sure your web writing doesn’t end up on this hall of shame:

I’m still laughing.

Happy writing my readers and good luck with adding to your bottom line - with money not yummy strawberries that is!

Mixed Up Words of the Month . . . To, Too, and Two


Use to as a preposition before a noun or as an infinitive before a verb!

Mom will you take me toschool?

I really want to go.


Use too as a synonym of also. It can also indicate excessiveness. If you can replace too with also and it still makes sense then you are using it to mean “also” correctly.

I am going to school, too. (I am going to school, also.)

I ate too many candy bars.


This word spells out the number 2. This should be easy, right?

There are no two days alike.

Now to put them all together.

I want to have another piece of candy because my sister had two more pieces than me, and so she has already eaten too much, and I’m going to bed soon.