Salgado, Michael

Michael Salgado grew up in Allentown, PA and the Lehigh Valley region. He is a current student in Arcadia University’s MFA program and regularly attends and moderates the Montgomery County Community College’s Writing Critique Group. He is also employed as a Biologist with Merck & Co. Pharmaceuticals. Michael’s work has been published in the Northern Cardinal Review, the Wilderness House Literary Review, Lehigh Valley Vanguard and the Black Fox Literary Magazine. His work is forthcoming in The Stray Branch in fall 2015. Michael currently resides in Lansdale, PA.


Michael Salgado

I strolled my childhood yard to the

end. Where the divide breaks

street blocks in two.

The Black Locust in the next yard,

two trunks spreading like thighs.

Neighbor boys nailed two by fours across

for a ladder to a small platform where

the legs opened wide.

Houses parted to make space for

our growth. The stump altar in

memory of the lofty Sugar Maple.

Toadstools an offering to

ninety years of growth in our

grassy section of alley.

This domain we roamed

as children. With small

fists we ruled. Stones thrown over

high picket fences into

pools. Dogs tortured through fences, sheds

snuck into, wood pile towers toppled.

Teepee home under the

ring of a pine. Poison ivy blisters,

ripped t-shirts, scratches across arms and legs.

The now rotted planks up the Locust tree,

one thigh had grown taller, slanting the ladder.