Joan Leotta

Resisting Winter

Joan Leotta

Joan Leotta has been playing with words since childhood. She has won awards in USA and abroad for writing and performing. You can find her on the beach or online at and Joan Leotta, Author and Story Performer on Facebook. Her first poetry chapbook, Languid Lusciousness with Lemon, will be out in January 2017 from Finishing Line.

By the creek I pass a treebeing dragged into winteragainst its will.Mottled leaves whoseriot of colors reveals they did willingly transform from greento bright banners ofautumn celebration, nowresist the cold and windto cling to thin fingersof branch that long agostopped delivering sap.Under blue skies on a day too warmto be December 1I salute my treeand his resistance.Like my friend tree,I'll not retire quietly into winter; I willresist.