Adam Stemple

Adam Stemple is an author, poet, musician, and web designer, roughly in that order. He can be found online at

Fatherless Christmas

Adam Stemple

Winter 2020

It rained

on Christmas day,

snow's absence

apropos of the nothing,

the void

on the red velvet couch—

pale and frayed

now, but still there—

where he'd always sat.


he said, piling on

every robe,

every sweater,

every hat

he received. Warmth

was our most common gift

as he faded

into old age.

But Christmas past recalls

a towering man

in camouflage and bold beard,

buck knife slitting open

presents almost as easily

as the turkeys he shot

and hung

from the garage

for Thanksgiving.

Blood and memory;

love and time.

I wish it would have snowed.