Group Song Book

Some of the song files located here are from well known sites but have been uploaded here to give our members access to everything we are playing. You will also find the Student Ukulele Chord Chart file here by Michelle Kiba.

Attention Beginners: Please check out the Dr. Uke Web Site

Beginners section. There are songs and a play along file to help you learn new tunes. This is a great way to get started.

Richard G's Ukulele Song Book is another site which has been an excellent resource of songs for our group.

We have also uploaded a few of sound files on the Fun Stuff page.

Don't forget to checkout Youtube

Song Files on Bugstrum Google drive below:

On The Road Again — On The Road Again Video

Raindrops are falling — Raindrops Video

Raindrops Are Falling On My Head — Rain Drops Are Falling On My Head