Constitution and bylaws

Article 1 – Name

This club shall be known as the Bucksport Garden Club.

Article 2 – Object

The object of this club is to bring flower and garden lovers into a closer working body, and to increase their knowledge of our natural resources as well as the plants and flowers that are cultivated to beautify the gardens. To cooperate with the schools to arouse an interest among the pupils in the study of birds and the conservation of flowers and forests, and to work in harmony with all civic organizations of the community to make Bucksport a better place in which to live.

Article 3 – Membership

Membership shall be of two kinds: Honorary and Active. Honorary Members shall be elected at the discretion of the club’s officers. New members may be recommended at anytime by other club members. Active Membership dues shall be $10 a year, due at the April meeting. Members in arrears two years will be automatically dropped from membership after due notification.

Article 4 – Officers

The officers of the club shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer, together with the immediate past president shall constitute an executive board, which shall be empowered to appoint assistants and make recommendations on all matters of importance that shall affect the club activities. This includes budget review, budget updating, and proposed budget for the next year.

Article 4A – Duties of Officers

The president shall preside at all meetings of the club. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall perform the duties of that officer. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all club meetings. The corresponding secretary shall conduct correspondence as is necessary in the routine business of the club. The treasurer shall collect receive, and hold all club money and shall pay such sums as are approved by the club.

Article 4B – Nominating Committee

At the August meeting the president shall appoint a nominating committee of three members who, at the September meeting shall present the names of candidates for office for the coming year, to be voted on at the annual meeting in October. The election will be held by voice from the club members. Vacancies in an office will be filled by appointment by the executive board. Term of office for all officers shall be for two years.

Article 5 – Meetings

Regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month from April to October, with exception of July with no meeting held. The annual meeting shall be held in October. Special meetings may be called by the president. A quorum for a regular meeting will be at least seven people. A quorum at an executive meeting will be at least four people.

Article 6 – Committees

Standing committees for the Bucksport Garden Club are: Budget and By-Laws, Ways and Means, Civic Beautification, Historical, Membership, Publicity, Program and Year Book. Special committees for the Bucksport Garden Club are: Birds and Bees, Friendship, Social, Refreshment, National Gardener and Youth Activities.

Article 7 – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.

Article 8 – Dissolution Clause

In the event the Bucksport Garden Club shall vote to dissolve and cease to exist in its present form, it is hereby provided that any monies remaining in its treasury, after all debts are paid, shall be passed to a non-profit organization with similar interests in the objectives. In the event no non-profit organization so qualifies, the monies remaining in the treasury shall be awarded to the Buck Memorial Library.

Article 9 – Non-Discriminatory Clause

The Bucksport Garden Club shall not discriminate against anyone in accordance with current Maine State laws.

Article 10 – Amendments

The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided a notice of the propose change has been announced at the preceding meeting.