Blue Hill Fair Exhibits

Blue Hill Fair Exhibit 2012

Bucksport Garden Club Exhibit

“Black Tie Affair.” Design an elegant formal garden employing darks and whites representing a top hat and tails beside a classic gown.

Blue Hill Fair Exhibit 2011

Bucksport GARDEN CLUB Exhibit

“ At Home in Maine”

Displays should showcase native Maine species as well as hardy species blended together. Show relation of plants to the sea and the forest.

Taxonomical Plant List of plants used in the exhibit

Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' Turtlehead

Aster dumosus ‘Daydream’ Michaelmas daisy

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Back-Eyed Susan

Lobelia siphilitica Great blue lobelia

Lobelia siphilitica v.albiflora White lobelia

Viburnum lantanoides Hobblebush

Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood

Rubus odoratus Purple-flowering Raspberry

Actaea pachypodia Doll’s eyes

Solidago ulmifolia elmleaf goldenrod

Solidago rigida stiff goldenrod

Angelica archangelica Garden angelica

Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke

Allium schoenoprasum Chives

Symphyotrichum laeve smooth blue aster

Monarda punctata Spotted beebalm

Ageritina altissima White snakeroot

Penstemon digitalis Beardtongue

Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant

Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly weed

Asclepias syriaca Common milkweed

Asclepias incarnata Swamp milkweed

Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower

Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot

Cladonia rangiferina Reindeer lichen

Pinus strobes Eastern White Pine

Mitchella repens Partridgeberry

Cornus canadensis Bunchberry

Polythrichum sp Hair cap moss

Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen

Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Massachusetts’ Bearberry

Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern

Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive fern

Dryopteras spinulosa Fancy fern

Abies balsamea Balsam fir

Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar

Thuja occidentalis Northern white cedar

Quecus rubra Red oak