Please find below selected media coverage.
27 July 2019
In a recent newspaper article, published in Hamburger Abendblatt, Thomas Trautmann and myself discuss the topic of "equality of opportunity" from an educational science and an economic perspective.
July 2018
"Es ist eine Schande, wie mies wir Menschen bezahlen, die sich um andere kümmern" in Huffington Post by Sebastian Christ
"Deutschland: Menschen in sozialen Berufen werden zu Arbeitern zweiter Klasse" in Huffington Post by Lennart Pfahler (including interview)
April 2017
"Beharrlich stereotyp und eingeschränkt" in E&W Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Zeitschrift der Bildungsgewerkschaft GEW,
S. 8-10. Kurzfassung hier (article about occupational orientation and stereotypes)
March 2017
"Das Nichtgedachte ausprobieren" in abi>> extra: Typisch Frau, typisch Mann?, Zeitschrift der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, S. 4-6. (article about occupational orientation and stereotypes)
2 June 2016
The social pay gap across occupations: Survey and experimental evidence (press release by the dpa (Germany Press Agency), reprinted in various media outlets such as, among others, Handelsblatt, ZEIT ONLINE, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Focus online, Stern, DIE WELT, Bild (complete list))
22 July 2015
Matching Skills of Individuals along the Career Path (Column on, reposted on World Economic Forum)
23 August 2014
Challenges for the next generation (Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting)
23 August 2014
What makes a good economist? (Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting)