research interests
applied microeconomics, experimental and behavioral economics, collective choice, public economics
Empirical research on ethical preferences: how popular is prioritarianism, with Erik Schokkaert, in Prioritarianism in Practice, Matthew Adler and Ole Norheim (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2022.
How choice proliferation affects revealed preferences, with Fabrice Le Lec and Marianne Lumeau, Theory and Decision, 2022, vol. 93, pp. 331-358,
On attitude to choice : Some experimental evidence of choice aversion, with Fabrice Le Lec, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020, vol. 18(5), pp. 2108-2134,
On the roots of the intrinsic value of decision rights: Evidence from France and Japan, with João V. Ferreira and Nobuyuki Hanaki, Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, vol. 119, pp. 110-122.
The value of tax progressivity: Evidence from survey experiments, Journal of Public Economics, 2019, vol. 179. Voir aussi un essai publié sur le site de la Vie des Idées sur la base de cet article :
Le goût des autres: une étude expérimentale sur la conformité, with Fabrice Le Lec and Marianne Lumeau, Revue Économique, 2017, vol. 68: 773-784. Link
Robust normative evaluation of socially risky situations, with Nicolas Gravel, Social Choice and Welfare, 2015, vol. 44: 257-282. Link
Comparing Two-Dimensional Distributions: A Questionnaire-Experimental Approach, Social Choice and Welfare, 2015, vol. 44: 87-108. Link
Are equalization payments making Canadians better off? A two-dimensional dominance answer, Journal of Economic Inequality, 2012, vol. 10, pp. 19-44. Link
Freedom-based measurement of living standard, with Nicolas Gravel, Annals of Economics and Statistics / Annales d'Economie et Statistiques, 2011, vol. 101-102, pp. 37-70. Link
Robust international comparisons of distributions of disposable income and regional public goods, with Nicolas Gravel and Patrick Moyes, Economica, 2009, vol. 76, pp. 432-461. Link
A robust normative evaluation of India's performance in allocating risks of death, with Nicolas Gravel and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay, Indian Growth and Development Review, 2008, vol. 1, pp 95-111. Link
working papers and on-going projects
The effect of group-deliberation on distributive preferences, with João V. Ferreira and Erik Schokkaert, Working paper GATE 2301. Link. (Under review)
Freedom counts: Cross-country empirical evidence, with João V. Ferreira, Nobuyuki Hanaki, Fabrice Le Lec and Erik Schokkaert, Working paper GATE 2317. Link. (Conditionally accepted)
Social preferences and preference over menus: Evidence from France and Japan, with Yosuke Hashidate, Fabrice Le Lec, Tetsuya Kawamura and Yusuke Osaki (Under review).
Preference for diversity in media menus, with Sylvain Dejean, Marianne Lumeau et Stéphanie Peltier (in writing).
Open deliberation and bargaining, with Roberto Brunetti and João V. Ferreira (experimental design).
Animal epidemics and livestock trade, with Sacha Kramer, Dominique Pontier, Julie Rosaz and Thibaud Porphyre (experimental design).
The intrinsic value of vote, with Joao V. Ferreira and Nobuyuki Hanaki (experimental design).
Acceptability of algorithm, with Marianne Lumeau (experimental design).
Ethical values and credit market, with Simon Cornée (in writing).
Liberal or paternalistic preferences? An experimental test, with Fabrice Le Lec (in writing).