Boy Scouts of America
Troop 1115
Springfield, VA
First Baptist Church of Springfield
Summer Camp Coordinator volunteer
High Adventure Coordinator volunteer
EVENTS click on item for details
Mar 10: Regular Meeting (Campout Meal Planning)
Mar 15-16: Backpacking Campout ($19)
WHAT: Scout backpacking skills
WHERE: Sky Meadows Main Parking Lot of Edmonds Lane
WHEN: March 15-16 SAT-SUN only
WHO: All troop members
WHY: Learn the skill of effective Backpacking
March 17: (NO Meeting following Campout)
Mar 22: Eagle Scout Project-Anthony Bello
WHO: Anthony Bello
WHAT: Eagle Scout Project Bring Shovels and Wheel Barrels
WHERE: 10000 Coffer Woods Road, Burke, VA 22015
WHEN: March 22 Time 10AM
Mar 24: Regular Meeting
Mar 28-30: OA Spring Ordeal, Camp Synder
Mar 31: Regular Meeting
April 5: Eagle Scout Project-Clayton M. Time: (TBD)
WHO: Clayton Miller
WHAT: Eagle Scout Project
WHERE: Columbia Baptist church 103 west Columbia St. Falls church, VA 22046
WHEN: April 5th Time TBD (Make Up date April 12)
Apr 7: Court of Honor/Parents Welcome
Apr 14: Regular Meeting (Campout Meal planning)
Apr 21: No Meeting (Easter Observance)
Apr 25-27: Campout-New Scout Skills (MB: Space Exploration-Rocket Launch)($TBD)
4/25-27 New Scout Skills (and Space Exploration Merit Badge) Campout
What: New Scout Skills (and Space Exploration Merit Badge) Campout (see "Why" below!)
Where: Camp Conewago (Sites 1-3), 450 Boy Scout Road, New Oxford, PA
When: April 25-27
Who: All Troop Scout Members/Adult Leaders/Unit Scouter Reserve
Why: Newer Scouts (who recently crossed over to the Troop) will work on Scout Skills and Advancement! Older scouts can work on the Space Exploration Merit Badge! There will be rockets!
Registration Deadline: April 11
April 28: No Meeting (following campouts)
May 3&4: Eagle Scout Project- Noah P. Time: (TBD)
WHAT: Noah Pappas' Eagle Project
WHEN: 3-4 May, Times TBD
WHERE: 7008 Elkton Drive, Springfield, VA 22152
WHO: All Scouts
May 5: Regular Meeting
May 9-11: Guns & Grilling Campout ($60)
Where: Pipsico
May 12: Special Meeting- Help Staff Pack & 1115 Scout Skills Day
May 19: Regular Meeting
May 26: NO Meeting (Memorial Day)
May 31: Save the Date: Nicholas R. Eagle Project
Who: To all the scouts regarding Nicholas Romero-Gollopp’s Eagle Scout Project
What: Eagle Scout Project
Where: Knollwood Community Church; 10000 Coffer Woods Rd, Burke, VA 22015
When: May 31, Time 8:30-1
June 2: Regular Meeting
June 9: Regular Meeting (Last Meeting of the Year)
June 16: No Meeting
June 15-20 & June 22-27 NYLT
June 22-June 28 Summer Camp.....Save the Date ****Scout Summer Camp ****(Bashore Summer Camp, Jonestown, PA) Cost $475 First Payment due 2/16 (Final Payment 3/16) Health Forms Due May 22
What: Summer Camp Information
When: June 22-28
Where: Bashore Scout Reservation in Jonestown, PA
Total price: $475 (2 payments due) First payment on Feb 16 ($200) and second March 16 ($275) Pay here
June 30: No Meeting
July 7: No Meeting
July 14: No Meeting
July 21: No Meeting
July 28: No Meeting
August 4: No Meeting
August 9: Special Planning Meeting-Annual Planning Conference
August 11: No Meeting
August 18: No Meeting
August 25: Regular Meeting
Sep 1, 2025: No Meeting (Labor Day)
Sep 8, 2025: Court of Honor/ Parents Welcome
Sep 15, 2025: Regular Meeting (Meal Planning for Campout)
Sep 19-21, 2025: Campout (TBD by $TBD)
Sep 29, 2025: Regular Meeting
OTHER ITEMS click on item for details
Welcome to Troop 1115: Info for New Scouts & Crossing AOLs
Please Notify Us - If your son is considering joining Troop 1115, please notify Scott Thompson, Committee Chair, at
Age Requirements - Your son can join Boy Scouts if they have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old - OR - have earned the Arrow of Light Award (as a Cub Scout) and are at least 10 years old - OR - are age 11 but have not reached age 18.
Troop Meetings - Most meetings are held on Mondays from 7:15pm to 8:45pm at First Baptist Church of Springfield from September to June. Weekend campouts occur approximately once every month. We typically do not meet the Monday following a campout and on holidays.
Parents Complete Youth Protection Training - All parents must complete online YPT training and keep your completion certificate on file. All adults are subject to YPT requirements whether or not training has been completed.
Provide Us with Parent Contact Info and AOL’s BSA# - Provide your preferred email addresses which will be added to the Troop 1115 email distribution, as well as home address and parent cell phones. If your son is already a Scout or Cub Scout, please additionally provide their BSA member number.
Electronic Youth Transfer Application - Your son will be transferred to the Troop electronically by the Pack Committee Chair shortly after the Crossing Ceremony. If your son is not in Pack 1115, we will email you an electronic application to complete - there may be a small online fee to process.
Health Form - Provide us with the Scout’s and Parent’s (if you ever camp) BSA Health Form A&B. Plan to have Form C completed by a doctor before May 1st if attending Summer Camp (includes adults). Forms are good for up to one year - your current Cub Scout Pack forms may still be valid if you have one.
Consent Form - Complete and turn in your annual Troop Activity Consent Form (Scouts and adults). This form covers all activities for the year, except Summer Camp. Certain campouts may require a separate consent as required by the campsite.
Driver Info - Adults, if you ever plan to drive a Scout other than your own in your vehicle, provide the make/model/year of your vehicle, provide a PDF of your valid driver’s license and current insurance card. Please email these to Hayzell Gollopp at
Annual Dues - If you are crossing from Pack 1115, there will be no dues collected until Fall. If you are crossing from another Pack or are new to Boy Scouts, please go to to pay your annual dues. Monthly campouts are pay-as-you go and include the cost of food for Scouts and attending adults.
Uniforms -
Class A uniforms are the formal tan shirt and green pants for the first meeting of each month, Courts of Honor and other special occasions. Class B uniforms consist of the red Troop 1115 t-shirt and green Scout pants.
Scout Shop Purchases - Here's what you need to buy at the Boy Scout's Scout Shop at 5232 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA 22151:
Tan Scouts BSA shirt
Green Scouts BSA pants
Troop Purchases - Here's what you need to buy online at
"1115" Patch for your Class A uniform
Class B t-shirt (red)
Class B hoodie (grey with red print) (optional)
As part of your annual dues, the Troop will provide:
a Troop neckerchief
a Troop woggle (for your neckerchief)
green Boy Scout epaulets (for your Class A uniform shirt)
Boy Scout Scout Handbook
It's important to have a complete Boy Scout Class A uniform and Class B t-shirt - see attached Class A Uniform Patch Placement for details.
Crossing from Cub Scout Pack 1115 - if you are crossing from Cub Scout Pack 1115, following the crossing ceremony in Feb/Mar, your Scout will attend the remainder of the Boy Scout Troop 1115 meeting which ends at 8:45pm; parents will attend a new Scout parent orientation.
Crossing from another Cub Scout Pack - if you are crossing from another Cub Scout Pack, notify your Pack's leadership and the Troop 1115 Committee Chair of your decision. The Troop will coordinate the process for transfer.
New Parent Orientation - A series of parent meetings will be held at First Baptist Church of Springfield to provide training, collect final paperwork and answer any questions parents may have. All parents should plan to attend.
Mon, Feb TBD - New Parent Orientation - Troop 1115 - after the AOL Crossover Ceremony, your son will go directly with the Boy Scouts to their Troop meeting. Parents will have a separate orientation on how Troop 1115 works and answer any questions. Final paperwork will be collected.
Mon, Mar TBD 7:15pm - New Parent Advancement Training
Mon, Mar TBD 7:15pm - Committee Training
Mon, Mar TBD, 7:15pm - Merit Badge Training
Summer Camp - Registration and payments start in Feb/Mar. To get the early-bird discount, sign up and pay for Summer Camp at (for adults, only registered BSA leaders may attend). Go to for more details.
Scout Skills (New Scout) Campout - TBD, 2024 - It's very important that your Scout attend this first campout typically in March/April - don't miss the registration deadline.
Monthly Campouts - Sign up at our Troop store as soon as possible for our monthly campouts. Regular campout attendance is important in order to advance and learn Scout skills. Deadlines are real and payments are non-refundable.
Parents Camping - Effective August 1, 2023, per BSA policy, only BSA registered adults leaders may camp overnight with Scouts. Non-registered parents may drive Scouts to/from campouts, but may not stay overnight. Parents who would like to camp may register as a Unit Scouter Reserve - contact the Troop Committee Chair for more information.
Patrol Method Overview - The Troop is boy-lead and uses the Patrol Method, which is VERY different from Cub Scouts. Parents should encourage their Scout, but not do their work for them. We’ll discuss this more at the parent orientation. See attached required reading on the Patrol Method. - Our website is the main source of all Troop information such as events, announcements, updates and full calendar of events. Bookmark it on your computer and phone. - Payments and registration for all events are through our Troop store website. Bookmark it on your computer and phone. Troop 1115 does not accept cash or checks for payments of any kind - all payments are made through our online store.
Questions? - Scott Thompson, Committee Chair, e:
Required forms links: (submit forms to Hayzell Gollopp, e:
BSA Health Forms - A&B Required Now, C Required for Summer Camp
Other links:
Patrol Method Overview (required reading)
Pop the People Campaign 2.0
Pop the People Campaign 2.0- Popcorn fundraising has begun! Please help your scout establish an account at unless they already have one; please contact me if you need help. As the troop finalizes its program/incentives this year, I ask that you sit and discuss goals with your scout - perhaps to sell 10 items, or $100 worth of product, or perhaps even $1000 worth of product (see attached Trails-End awards sheet). Fundraising can be fun and help the scouts in so many ways - communication skills, building confidence, learning responsibility, overcoming fear, persevering to see a goal through to completion (just to name a few). Once registered, and for returning scouts too, you may already begin selling online. is open for business! We'll conclude at the end of Nov this year, so plan accordingly. More to follow on 26 Aug at our first troop meeting. Thanks for your support! Carl WInowiecki, Popcorn Kernel, OR Jasmine
Also Please look at the links below for step by step Popcorn information.
Troop 1115 Storefront Sales Checklist
Contact Jasmine ( for coordination of product, times, supplies, instruction on Trails end app as needed
Table(2) and chairs
Table front Banner (if available)
Scouts in Class A
Two-adult rule
Square for credit card
Donation can/ (pull big bills periodically)
Close out with Jasmine (return remaining inventory, donation cash)
Parent Guide:
TrailsEnd Reward:
Order Form:
How to Sell $1,000:
Boy Scout Troop 1115 is chartered by
First Baptist Church of Springfield
7300 Gary Street
Springfield, VA 22150
Troop meetings are held most
Mondays, 7:15pm September to June
Troop 1115 Store (Sign Up for Events)
Scoutbook (Advancement Tracking)
Cub Scout Pack 1115 (Boys, Grades K-5)
American Heritage Girls Troop 1150VA (Girls)
Old Dominion District Events & In-Person Training
First Baptist Church of Springfield (Chartering Organization)
BSA Training Site (includes Youth Protection Training)
Jared Ekholm, Scoutmaster
Scott Thompson, Committee Chair
Rick Priest, Chartered Org Rep
Youth Protection Training Champion volunteer
Where: Sky Meadows Park
When March 15&16 Out and back Sat to Sunday only