Bryan C. McCannon


Bryan McCannon holds the Robert S. Eckley Endowed Chair in Economics and serves as the Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Illinois Wesleyan University. He completed his Bachelor’s degree at Illinois Wesleyan in 1998 and his PhD in Economics from Pennsylvania State University in 2003. Dr. McCannon’s research focus is in Law and Economics as he uses advanced causal inference econometric techniques to study legal institutions. His work has explored the decision making of prosecutors and judges in the criminal justice system, plea bargaining, and conflict resolution via arbitration. Previously, he was a professor at Wake Forest University, the chair of the Department of Finance at Saint Bonaventure University, and director of the Center for Free Enterprise while a faculty member at West Virginia University. Dr. McCannon has mentored undergraduate, MBA, and PhD students for over 20 years and serves on the executive board of multiple professional, academic societies.

Dean, School of Business and Economics

Robert S. Eckley Endowed Professor of Economics

Illinois Wesleyan University 

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It is an honor and priviledge to lead the SOBE at IWU as we navigate and prosper within the changing higher education market. I am passionate about my students' success and am willing to explore any innovation that will further the students' education and career prospects. IWU is a special place with bright, curious, motivated, and conscientious students willing to Do Well and Do Good


Zach Porreca (post-doc at Bocconi University)

Justin Heflin (visiting prof at University of Kentucky)

Zach Rodriguez (tenure-track Asst Prof at Union College)

Joy Kanengiser (current grad student at WVU)

I. Maupin (current grad student at WVU)

Selected Publications: 

The Effect of the Election of Prosecutors on Criminal Trials (with S Bandyopadhyay), 2014, Public Choice [paper]

Prosecutorial Retention: Signaling by Trial (with S Bandyopadhyay),  2015, Journal of Public Economic Theory [paper]

Prosecutor Elections, Mistakes, and Appeals, 2013, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies [paper]

Bargaining in the Shadow of Arbitration (with R Marselli, M Vannini), 2015, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [paper]

Judicial Elections and Criminal Case Outcomes (with G DeAngelo), 2020, Journal of Legal Studies [paper]

Differentiating Between First and Repeat Offenders, 2009, Contemporary Economic Policy [paper]

Athletics and Admissions: The Impact of the Penn State Football Scandal on the Quality of University Admissions (with C. Johnson), 2021, Journal of Sports Economics [paper]

Informational Value of Challenging an Incumbent Prosecutor, 2021, Southern Economic Journal [paper]

A Million Dollars in Free Advertising: Politics and Sex Offense Prosecution in the Wake of Duke Lacrosse (with M. Wilson), 2019, Supreme Court Economic Review [paper]

Endogenous Competence and a Limit to the Condorcet Jury Theorem (with P. Walker), 2016, Public Choice [paper]

Excessive Labor Raiding, 2008, Economica [paper]

Here are works in progress

Three Golden Balls: Pawn Shops and Crime (with Z. Porreca, Z. Rodriguez), under review, working paper

The Right to Counsel: Criminal Prosecution in 19th Century London, under review, working paper

The Impact of California's Zero Dollar Bail Policy on Crime (with J. Heflin), under review, working paper

The Economic Costs of Conflict: Ukraine 2014-20, under review, working paper

Bargaining in the Shadow of the Trial? Deaths of Law Enforcement Officials and the Plea Bargaining Process (with D Bonneau), [working paper]

Ranked Choice Voting in Mayoral Elections, under review, working paper

Do Elections Encourage Public Actors to be More Responsive? (with C Williams) , under review, working paper

Save to Win: Using Contests to Promote Savings (with Z Rodriguez, R Sheremeta), under review

Selecting the Number of Topics in Latent Dirichlet Allocation, under review

Recent Publications

Blaming the Ref: Understanding the Effect of Unexpected Emotional Cues on Family Violence (with A Cardazzi, B Humphreys, Z Rodriguez). forthcoming Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization [working paper]

AACSB Accreditation and Student Demand (with M. Cameron, K. Starr), forthcoming, Southern Economic Journal [working paper]

Alaska’s Plea Bargaining Ban, forthcoming, Contemporary Economic Policy, [working paper]

District Attorney Compensation and Performance (with M Stockham, G DeAngelo, H Sabouni), International Review of Law and Economics [paper]

Debundling Accountability: Prosecutor and Public Defender Elections in Florida, forthcoming, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, [paper]

Stay-at-Home Orders Were Issued Earlier in Economically Unfree States, 2021, Southern Economic Journal, [paper]

Do Governors Lead or Follow? Timing of Stay-at-Home Orders, 2021, Eastern Economic Journal [paper]

Charitable Giving for Cultural Goods: Asymmetric Gender Responses to Votes on Tax Increases (with A Neto), 2021, Economics Letters [paper]

Consolidation of Prosecutor Offices (with C Detotto), 2020, Journal of Law and Courts [paper]

Wine Descriptions Provide Information: Using Text Analysis to Evaluate Wine Descriptions, 2020, Journal of Wine Economics [paper]

Shill Bidding and Trust (with E Minuci), 2020, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance [paper]

Individual Competence and Committee Decision Making: Experimental Evidence (with P Walker), 2020, Southern Economic Journal [paper]