Old news

11/3-6/2019 The paper "Optimal Adaptive Sampling for Boundary Estimation with Mobile Sensors", P. Kearns, J. Lipor, and B. Jedynak, was presented during the Asilomar 2019 conference. An early draft is available at http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~lipor/Papers/kearns2019optimal.pdf

9/3/2019: The paper "Deep learning based topology guaranteed surface and MME segmentation of multiple sclerosis subjects from retinal OCT" has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express. Congratulations to the authors: He, Yufan, Aaron Carass, Yihao Liu, Bruno M. Jedynak, Sharon D. Solomon, Shiv Saidha, Peter A. Calabresi, and Jerry L. Prince

6/15/2019: Our team (Viking AI) made it to the third place in the TADPOLE challenge, see https://tadpole.grand-challenge.org/ Thanks to Murat Bilgel, Kruti Pandya, Bill Engels and Joseph Cole.

1/8/2019: The Mathematical Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease appeared in Forbes. It highlights the work of our team.

1/4/2019: "Predicting time to dementia using a quantitative template of disease progression", authored by M. Bilgel and B. Jedynak has been accepted for publication in the online journal Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring. An early draft is available on bioRxiv: http://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/458273v1 .

10/25/2018: B. Jedynak receives a subaward of $491,308 from the $18,783,082 grant NIH NIA R01 AG027161 (PI: S. Johnson) entitled: "Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer Prevention".

10/15/2018: Wei Huang, Associate Professor in the Advanced Imaging Research Center at OHSU, Daniel Taylor Rodriguez, Assistant Professor in Mathematics & Statistics at PSU and Bruno Jedynak, Maseeh professor of Mathematical Sciences at PSU, have received a $50,000 grant awarded by the 2018 OHSU-PSU Collaborative Research Program. The proposed collaboration is aimed at predicting breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using statistical learning and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. The PIs will also leverage their networks of scientific collaborations for organizing the first OHSU-PSU workshop on Statistical Learning for Health.

9/27/2018 The workshop ML4H Machine Learning for Health has been accepted as a NIPS 2018 workshop. Please submit your short paper by 10/29/2018.

7/7/2018: Professors B. Jedynak, D. Taylor-Rodriguez from the Math and Stat Department were awarded OHSU's Oregon Center for Aging & Technology (ORCATECH) $45,000 Pilot Grant award to conduct preliminary research on quantitative methods that complement and support the technology developed and implemented by ORCATECH to monitor functional behavior of asymptomatic individuals at risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease This pilot project will advance methods sensitive enough to detect short-lived but meaningful episodes in the daily life of asymptomatic individuals, helping reduce sample size requirements, trial duration, or both.

9/5/2018: Purnima Rajan graduated! congratulations to her. She obtained a Ph.D. thesis in computer science from Johns Hopkins University. The tite of her deissertation is "Object Counting and Localization: A Statistical Approach".

8/11/2018: The paper: Purnima Rajan, Yongming Ma, Bruno Jedynak, "Cox Processes for Counting by Detection", was accepted for publication by the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

12/26/2017 The paper: "The effect of rare variants in TREM2 and PLD3 on longitudinal cognitive function in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention", corresponding Author: Professor Corinne D. Engelman, authors: Burcu F Darst; Murat Bilgel; Eva Vasiljevic; Rebecca L Koscik; Bruno M Jedynak; Sterling C Johnson, has been accepted for publication in Neurobiology of Aging

12/8/2017 The workshop Machine Learning for Health took place during the NIPS 2017 conference

11/15/2017 Our team: Murat Bilgel, Kruti Pandya, William Engels, and Joseph Cole submitted an entry for the Alzheimer's prediction challenge (TADPOLE)

10/2/2017 "Bayesian Optimization for Refining Object Proposals", by Anthony Rhodes, Melanie Mitchell and myself was accepted for publication at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Theory, Tools & Applications (IPTA 2017). Congratulations Anthony!

9/29/2017 The paper: Andrew Lang, Aaron Carass, Bruno M. Jedynak, Sharon D. Solomon, Peter A. Calabresi, and Jerry L. Prince. "Intensity inhomogeneity correction of SD-OCT data using macular flatspace." was accepted for publication in the journal Medical image analysis

9/27/2017: The workshop ML4H: Machine Learning for Health has been accepted as a NIPS 2017 workshop. Please submit your short paper here by 10/20/2017

6/14/2017 "Temporal order of Alzheimer’s disease-related cognitive marker changes in BLSA and WRAP longitudinal studies", by Murat Bilgel, Rebecca L. Koscik, Yang An, Jerry L. Prince, Susan M. Resnick, Sterling C. Johnson, and Bruno M. Jedynak, has been accepted for publication in "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease"

1/6/2017 "Structural cerebellar correlates of cognitive and motor dysfunctions in cerebellar degeneration", by Kalyani Kansal, Zhen Yang, Ann Fishman, Haris Sair, Sarah Ying, Bruno M. Jedynak, Jerry L. Prince, and Onyike Chiadi has been published in Brain.

11/21/2016 The Matlab software "Progression Score Model Toolkit" was made available to the scientific community (NITRC), see http://www.nitrc.org/projects/progscore/

10/3/2016 "Bayesian Group Testing under Sum Observations: A Parallelizable 2-Approximation for Entropy Loss", by Weidong Han, Purnima Rajan, Peter I. Frazier and Bruno M. Jedynak has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions of Information Theory.

9/2/2016 Our team at Portland State University (Will Garrick, Bruno Jedynak, Jeffrey Ovall, Maxwell Rudolph and Panayot Vassilevski, lead by Jay Gopalakrishnan) has received funding from the National Scientific Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation Program as well as cost-sharing funding from PSU to purchase a High Performance Cluster.

7/1/2016 "A multivariate nonlinear mixed effects model for longitudinal image analysis: Application to amyloid imaging", by Murat Bilgel, Jerry L. Prince, Dean F. Wong, Susan M. Resnick, and Bruno M. Jedynak was published in NeuroImage 134 (2016): 658-670.