


"Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions" (Joint with Leonardo Bursztyn, Florian Ederer, and Noam Yuchtman), Econometrica, 82(4): 1273-1301 (2014) 

"Reading the Fine Print: Information Disclosure in the Brazilian Credit Card Market", Management Science, 62(12): 3534-3548 (2016)

"Status Goods: Experimental Evidence from Platinum Credit Cards" (Joint with Leonardo Bursztyn, Stefano Fiorin, Martin Kanz, and Gautam Rao), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3): 1561-1595 (2018)
[online appendix]

"Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity" (Joint with Cristine Pinto), Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(3): 452-467 (2019)
[Stata code] [link to replication files][Twitter thread]

"On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method"  (Joint with Irene Botosaru), The Econometrics Journal,  22(2): 117–130 (2019)

"Political Identity: Experimental Evidence on Anti-Americanism in Pakistan" (Joint with Leonardo Bursztyn, Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain, and Noam Yuchtman),  Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(5): 2532-2560 (2020)

"Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls" (Joint with Cristine Pinto and Vitor Possebom),  Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(2): 510-532 (2020)
[link to replication files] [twitter thread]

"Matching Estimators with Few Treated and Many Control Observations", Journal of Econometrics, 225(2): 295-307 (2021)

"Skipping the doctor: Evidence from a case with extended self-certification of paid sick leave" (Joint with Gaute Torsvik and Kjell Vaage), Journal of Population Economics, (2021)

"Synthetic Controls with Imperfect pre-Treatment Fit" (Joint with Cristine Pinto), Quantitative Economics, 12(4):1197-1221 (2021)
[online appendix] [twitter thread][slides and video from the Symposium on Synthetic Control Methods at the Chamberlain seminar]

"On the Properties of the Synthetic Control Estimator with Many Periods and Many Controls", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116:536, 1764-1772 (2021) 

[slides and video from the Symposium on Synthetic Control Methods at the Chamberlain seminar] [arXiv]

"Assessing Knowledge or Classroom Behavior: Evidence of teachers’ grading bias" (Joint with Luiz Felipe Fontes), Journal of Public Economics, 216 (2022) 

"Inference in Difference-in-Differences: How Much Should We Trust in Independent Clusters?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(3): 358-369 (2023)

"On "Imputation of Counterfactual Outcomes when the Errors are Predictable": Discussions on  Misspecification and Suggestions of Sensitivity Analyses"  (Joint with Luis Alvarez), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming

Working Papers


"Identifying Dynamic LATEs with a Static Instrument" (Joint with Otávio Tecchio)

"Extensions for Inference in Difference-in-Differences with Few Treated Clusters" (Joint with Luis Alvarez)

"Rooting for the same team: On the Interplay between Social and Political Identities in the Formation of Social Ties" (Joint with Nicolás Ajzenman and Pedro C. Sant'Anna)
[Twitter thread]

"Discrimination in the formation of academic networks: A field experiment on #EconTwitter" (Joint with Nicolás Ajzenman and Pedro C. Sant'Anna)
[Twitter thread]

"Randomization Inference Tests for Shift-Share Designs" (Joint with Luis Alvarez and Raoni Oliveira)

"Assessing inference methods"
[Stata code]

"Having a Second Chance: The Consequences of Remedial Exams" (Joint with Luiz Felipe Fontes)

"Artificial Intelligence, Teacher Tasks and Individualized Pedagogy" (Joint with Lycia Lima and Flavio Riva)
[twitter thread]

"Inference in Difference-in-Differences with Few Treated Units and Spatial Correlation" (Joint with Luis Alvarez)

"Are Public Schools Ready to Integrate EdTech into Regular Instruction?" (Joint with Lucas Finamor and Lycia Lima

"Should we Drop Covariate Cells with Attrition Problems?"  (Joint with Vladimir Ponczek)

"Placebo Tests for Synthetic Controls" (Joint with Cristine Pinto)  

"Baggage fees in airlines: Is this a good idea?"  (Joint with Raone Botteon Costa and Daniel Monte)

“Does Affirmative Action Enhance or Undercut Investment Incentives? Evidence from Quotas in Brazilian Public Universities” (Joint with Juliano Assunção)

Pre-analysis Plans

"Building future-proof skills for youth employment"  (Joint with Filipe Cavalcanti and  Luiz Felipe Fontes), pre-results review accepted at Journal of Development Economics

Publications in Brazilian Journals

"Familiarity Bias in Asset Allocation of Brazilian Investors" (joint with Maurício Silveira Lersch and Claudia Emiko Yoshinaga), Brazilian Review of Finance, 15(1): 7-24 (2017)