About me

Hi, I'm Vítor Possebom. Welcome to my website! I am an Assistant Professor at São Paulo School of Economis from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-SP). I hold a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Yale University.

Currently, my main projects are:

You can e-mail me at vitor.possebom@fgv.br.

If you are a student at EESP-FGV and want to talk to me, you can schedule a meeting here.

You can find my complete CV here. You can also check my Twitter.

My current research interests include Theoretical and Applied Microeconometrics, an area full of amazing questions whose answers, when theoretically grounded and well-identified, can guide policy implementation. Currently, I focus on identification challenges with more than one source of endogeneity, such as problems that combine self-selection into treatment with sample selection, misclassification, or censored data.