Another highly successful research season in Trinidad!  Thanks to all the members of Team Guppy 2024!

Left to right:Félixe (MSc Concordia), Jade (MSc Missouri State), Abbi (MSc Missouri State), Alix (PhD Concordia), Grant (Concordia University), Adam (University of Saskatchewan)

Alix Brusseau and Dr. Laurence Feyten presenting at the recent CSEE meeting in Winnipeg (June 2023).... awesome job by both!

Well deserved award for Dr. Laurence Feyten!!!

Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Doctoral Research Award Winner for 2023!

19 April 2023:

Congrats to Dr. Laurence Feyten.... successful defence of her PhD thesis entitled "Uncertainty of risk and information limitations shape neophobic antipredator responses in Trinidadian guppies'.  
Well done Dr. Larry Feyten, Famed Guppy Biologist!

14  February 2023:

Congrats to Miguel Felismino.... successful defence of his MSc thesis entitled "The effects of polyethylene microplastics on the growth, behaivour and cognition of juvenile convict cichlids'.  

6  February 2023:

Congrats to DR. BRENDAN JOYCE!! 
Brendan successfully defended his PhD, entitled "Phenotypic plasticity of the teleost brain: relationships between predation pressure, personality, and stress coping styles"
Well done and kudos on an outstanding thesis!

5 October 2022: 

Congrats to Denis Cao Van Truong who successfully defended his MSc thesis this morning!

10 August, 2022: 

Congrats to Veronica Groves, who successfully defended her MSc thesis! Excellent defence! Excellent thesis!

May, 2022:
Just returned from our first field season to Trinidad since the pandemic lockdowns.... highly productive and a great success! Thanks to Alix Brusseau (far left), Laurence Feyten (no hat) and Adam Crane (far right) for all their hard work!

April, 2022: 

Hearty Congrats to Arun Dayanandan and Jamie Allan for successfully defending their MSc theses! Doing graduate work during a global pandemic was not easy but they successfully got through it!  

January, 2020: 

Team Guppy presenting at the recent Gordon Research Conference in Ventura California!

L-R: Adam Crane, Laurence Feyten, Grant Brown

14 May 2020

Congrats to Master Annick Singh, on the successful defence of the MSc thesis!

2 July 2019

Congrats to Master Jack Goldman, on the successful defence of the MSc thesis!

30 April 2019

Congrats to Laurence Feyten on being award the FRQNT PhD Fellowship!  

Well deserved!!!

April 2019

New guppy research by Feyten et al. (in press). Who's where? Ecological uncertainty shapes neophobic predator avoidance in Trinidadian guppies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

March 2019

Our latest guppy paper was selected as the 'Editor's Choice' 

Goldman et al. 2019, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2019, 97(4): 319-325,

20 June 2018

Congrats to Jack Goldman on winning the Gerald Fitzgerald Prize for best student poster at the 2018 EEEF meeting!  Well done Jack!

12 April 2018

Congratulations to Braeden Donaldson... successfully defended his MSc thesis this afternoon!

3 April 2018

Congratulations to Ebony Demers and Jack Goldman on their successful PGS awards!

10 July 2017

Congratulations to Amanda Jeanson

Amanda successfully defended her MSc thesis this morning!  Well done Amanda.

27 March 2017

Congratulations to DR. Pierre Chuard!

Pierre successfully defended his PhD today!  A bit of paper work and then off to McGill to start a Post-Doc!

Part of the Brown Lab representing Concordia University at the recent Canadian Council for Fisheries Research meeting in Montreal!

L-R: Grant, Laurence, Amanda, Ebony

2 November 2015

Michelle LeBlanc successfully defended her MSc thesis this afternoon!  Well done Michelle!

4 May 2105

Ebony Demers was just awarded the FQRNT fellowship (MSc)!  Well done Ebony.

13 April 2015

Congrats to Pierre Chuard (PhD candidate) for winning the 'best French' presentation at the recent 3 Minute Thesis competition for his talk entitled 'Les Prédateurs, Source de Biodiversité'.  Pierre will now go on to represent Concordia University the 3MT national finals at the Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences meeting in May.

30 March 2015

Bittersweet news... Dr. Chris Elvidge will be leaving the lab shortly to join Dr. Steve Cooke's research team at Carleton University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.  Chris will be missed in the lab, but we all wish him the best in Ottawa.

5 Feb 2015

Congrats to Dr. Chris Elvidge for his paper examining the contextual nature of public information use by Trinidadian guppies, just published in Animal Behaviour

12 Jan 2015

Well done Ricky for successfully defending his MSc thesis today.  Ricky will continue in the lab, conducting field experiments on the use of chemosensory cues as control agents for invasive sea lampreys.

19 Nov 2014

Well done Jemma for successfully defending her MSc thesis today.  Jemma's innovative work demonstrated that the effects of chronic and acute predation threats differ depending upon accrued fitness in Trinidadian guppies.

21 May 2014

Congrats to Patrick Malka for successfully defending his MSc thesis.  Patrick is now on his way to a successful career educating future scientists.

23 April 2013

Our work was mentioned in a recent popular review published in the New Scientist 'Survival of the shyest: Timidity's surprising benefits' by Lesley Evans Ogden .

12 April 2013

Pierre Chuard (PhD candidate) took second place in the 2013 3-Minute-Thesis competition, held by the School of Graduate Studies on 12 April 2013.  His presentation was entitled 'The effects of operational sex-ratio and predation risk on the mating competition of the Trinidadian guppy'.