
Dr. Adam Crane, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow

Adam's highly innovative research program focusses on predator-prey interactions and cognition among a variety of prey species. His recent work has examined (1) the influence of social behaviour of fear recovery, (2) learning and memory of antipredator recognition following novel patterns of risk, and (3) the vulnerability of prey and their behavioural defences against invasive predators. 

PhD Alum

Dr. Laurence Feyten (PhD 2023; BSc (McGill).

Uncertainty of risk and information limitations shape neophobic antipredator responses in Trinidadian guppies.
Link to Laurence's thesis

Dr. Brendan J Joyce (PhD 2023; BSc (Concordia).
Phenotypic plasticity of the teleost brain: relationships between predation pressure, personality, and stress coping styles.
Link to Brendan's thesis

Dr. Pierre JC Chuard (PhD 2017; BSc (Concordia).
Competition in Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulata: Effects of operational sex ratio, sex role and risk allocation.
Link to Pierre's thesis 

Dr. Chris K Elvidge (PhD 2013; BSc, GDip (McGill)
Evaluating the long-term effects of sub-lethal acidification on wild populations of juvenile Atlantic salmon.
Link to Chris' thesis

Dr. Jae-woo Kim (PhD 2009; BSc, MSc (Concordia)
Behavioural and ecological implications of predation risk in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Link to Jae's thesis

Dr. Antoine O.H.C. Leduc (PhD. 2007;  MSc (Concordia), BSc (Rimouski)
Ecological and behavioural implications of ambient acidification on the chemosensory alarm functions in juvenile salmonids.
Link to Antoine's thesis

MSc Alum

Miguel Eduardo L. Felismino MSc (2021 - 2023), BSc (University of Toronto)
The effects of ployethylene microplastics on the growth, behaviour, and cognition of juvenile convict cichlids.
Link to Miguel's thesis

Denis Cao Van Truong MSc (2020-2022), BSc (Concordia University
Effects of physical activity on the production of disturbance cues in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Link to Denis' thesis

Veronica Groves MSc (2020-2022) BSc (McGill University)
The effects of abiotic and biotic stressors on the cognitive ecology of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Link to Veronica's thesis 

Jamie Allan MSc (2018-2022) BSc (Concordia University)
Constraints of background risk on space use and learning in Trinidadian guppies.
Link to Jamie's thesis 

Arun Dayanandan MSc (2018-2022) BSc (Concordia University)
Effects of elevated predation risk on female mate selection and maternal effects in Trinidadian guppies.
Link to Arun's thesis 

Ebony Demers MSc (2014-2020) BSc (Concordia University)
Background predation risk and learning of novel foraging patches in Trinidadian guppies.

Annick Singh MSc (2017-2020) BSc (Concordia University)
Anti-predator response and neophobia in juvenile bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) across an environmental gradient.
Link to Annick's thesis 

Jack Goldman MSc (2017-2019) BSc (University of Toronto)
Disturbance cues as a source of risk assessment information: effects of sender identity and experience with risk on the response of Trinidadian guppies.
Link to Jack's thesis

Braeden Donaldson MSc (2015-2018) BSc (Concordia University)
Ontogenetic constraints on induced neophobic predator avoidance in convict cichlids.
Link to Braeden's thesis 

Amanda Jeanson MSc (2015-2017) BSc (Mount Allison University)
Induced neophobic predator avoidance in hatchery-reared juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Link to Amanda's thesis

Michelle Leblanc MSc (2012-2015) BSc (Concordia University)
Can in-situ experience compensate for hatchery-deprivation? Enhancing post-stocking survival of juvenile Atlantic salmon.
Link to Michelle's thesis

Richard DiRocco MSc (2013-2015) BSc (Lake Superior State University)
Behavioural response of adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to predator and conspecific alarm cues: evidence of additive effects.
Link to Ricky's thesis

Jemma Katwaroo-Andersen MSc (2011-2014) BSc (University of the West Indies)
Influence of reproductive assets on threat-sensitive responses in wild-caught Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Link to Jemma's thesis

Patrick Malka MSc (2010-2014) BSc (Concordia)
Foraging and territorial decisions by juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar under chronic predation threat in the wild.
Link to Patrick's thesis

Chris Jackson MSc (2008-2010) BSc (Concordia)
Differences in antipredator behaviour between wild and hatchery-reared juvenile Atlantic salmon.
Link to Chris' thesis

Camille Macnaughton MSc (2006-2009) BSc (Mount Allison)
Chemically mediated learning in juvenile Altantic salmon (Salmo salar); testing the limits of acquired predator recognition under laboratory conditions and in the wild.
Link to Camille's thesis

Meaghan Vavrek, MSc (2005-2007) BSc (University of Alberta)
Disturbance cues in prey fishes: an additional source of chemosensory risk assessment
Link to Meaghan's thesis

Mark C. Harvey, MSc (2003-2005) BSc (Concordia)
Effects of social status and food availability on predator avoidance behaviour in YOY rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Link to Mark's thesis

Patricia E. Foam, MSc (2002-2004) BSc (Concordia)
Threat-sensitive foraging trade-offs: the role of subthreshold concentrations of chemical alarm cues.
Link to Pat's thesis

Justin L. Golub, MSc (2002-2004) BSc (Union College) 
Environmental complexity and the ontogeny of responses to heterospecific alarm signals by centrarchid fishes.
Link to Justin's thesis

Antoine Leduc, M.Sc. (2001-2003) BSc (Rimouski)
Laboratory and field tests of the effects of weak acidification on the chemical alarm signaling in salmonid fishes.
Link to Antoine's thesis

Kerry L. Librandi, M.A.T. Union College, 200-2001.
Contextual use of chemical versus visual cues during predator inspection visits by the glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)

Jody L. Ericksen, M.A.T. Union College, 1999-2000.
Behavioral responses to the N-O trigger are conserved within the Superorder Ostariophysi.

Lindsay E. Porter, M.A.T. Union College, 1998-1999.
Ontogenetic niche shift and the response of largemouth bass to heterospecific alarm pheromones.

Walter T. Bowden, M.A.T. Union College, 1998-1999.
The effects of acidification on pyridine-N-oxide to mimic alarm pheromones in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas).

Undergraduate Alum

Concordia University
95. Yasmine Hoballah (2024)
94. James Connolly (2024)
93.  Emily Campbell (2024)
92. Thomas Noyes (2023)
91. Samuel Evan Gonzalez-Fleurant (2023)
90. Alicia Vanier (2023)
89. Vanessa Bordonaro (2023)
88. Félixe Dumaresq Synnott (2022)
87. Jenna Domenicano (2022)
86. Andrea Destarac (2022)
85. Ségolene Chevallier Rufigny (2022)
84. Noor Randhawa (2022)
83. Alex Popescu (2021)
82. Denis Van Truong (2020)
81. Emily Collins (2019)
80. Nia Kastova (2019)
79. Ella Posch (2018)
78. Aglaia Natapova (2018)
77. Wyatt Toure (2018)
76. Jamie Allen (2017)
75. Allison Winiewski (2017)
74. Charles Plaisir (2017)
73. Maneet Jhajj (2017)
72. Annick Singh (2017)
71. Arun Dayanandan (2016)
70. Victoria Chicatun (2016)
69. Ashley Watt (2016)
68. Theresa Chicote (2015)
67. Hazel Panique (2015)
66. Laure-Ann Dubuc-Karary (2015)
65. Braeden Donaldson (2015)
64. Brendan Doble (2014)
63. Ebony Desmers (2014)
62. Sabine Ajamian (2014)
61. Ross Bushnell (2013)
60. Franki Alo (2013)
59. Brendan Joyce (2013)
58. Ebony Desmers (2013)
57. Karolina Paquin (2012)
56. Elisa Jacques (2011)
55. Marc-Andre Couturier (2010)
54. Dale McNaught (2010)
53. Lima Kayello (2010)
52. Laura Fregeau (2010)
51. Lana Dalgova (2010)
50. Marc-Andre Coututier (2010)
49. Michelle Tressider (2009)
48. Stephanie Russo (2009)
47. Patrick Malka (2009)
46. Matthew Murphy (2008)
45. Matthew Romano (2008)
44. Christopher Jackson (2008)
43. Marie-Anne Oligny (2008)
42. Jennifer Smith (2007)
41. Bryan Fridman (2007)
40. Robert Decaire (2007)
39. Sandra Malouin (2007)
38. Sean Bridgeman (2007)
37. Laura Ivan (2006)
36. Linday McGraw (2006)
35. Brenna Belland (2006)
34. Alix Rive (2005)
33. Lara Slikhanian (2005) 
32. Sevan Emmian (2005)
31. Ellie Roh (2004)
30. Sabrina Plura (2004) 
29. Tamara Darwish (2004)
28. Veronique Vermette (2004)
27. Jocelyn Kelly (2003)
26. Jean-Francois Poirier (2003)
25. Maud Ferrari (2003)
24. Hilary Cowell (2003)
23. Jason Marcus (2002)
22. Jae-Woo Kim (2002) 
21. Cristina Ranellucci (2002)
20. Mark Harvey (2002)
19. Nabil Naderi (2002)
18. Meghan Noseworthy (2002)
17. Gaelle Magnavacca (2002)  

Union College
16. Justin L. Golub (2002)
15. Jon Tower (2001)
14. Natasha DeSouza (2001)
13. Victoria Dreier (2001)
12. Melissa Zachar (2001)
11. Ilyssa Kaufmann (2000)
10. Devon Gershaneck (2000)
9.  Erica Schwarzbauer (2000)
8.  Todd Patton (2000)
7.  Michael G. Lewis (1999)
6.  Jessica Paige (1999)
5.  Valerie Leblanc (1999)
4.  Matt Shih (1999)
3.  Mike Fuller (1999)
2.  Erin Smyth (1998)
1.  Jessica Pedersen (1998)