Here is a list of of resources that may help you along on your STEM journey. This list includes a wide range of resources from those casually interested to those figuring out the next step.
searching for science
interesting science discussions
- uchicago kicp thunch
- vanderbilt astroLunch
- caltech's vox charta
- fermilab munch
- astrobites
- great site for undergraduates and scientists in different subfields
- cosmic variance
- quantum diaries
- backreaction
- vanderbilt exploration
science definitions and online help
cool science pages
astronomy related info
things that help me along
- evernote
- wiki pages!
- mendeley
random useful things
- diversity resources
- grammar tips
- designing science posters
- making a poster for AAS
- latex equations as figures
go OUTSIDE and be a part of your community!
- couchsurfing
- meet new people!
- find adventures in tennesse
- outdoors in tennesse
Here are some links to help get you started in finding fellowships and grants to fund your STEMventures. I do not know the details of all of the websites though I have collected this along my way and thought it would be a useful place to start.
- American Astronomical Society list of fellowships
- National Science Foundation
- NSF GSRP ( ask me about this one since i did recieve this!)
- Department of Energy
- Gates Millenium Scholarship
- Fermilab Theory Fellowship
- Fellowship List from Pathways to Science
- Graduate Women In Science
- Association For Women In Science
- List of Grad Funding from AstroBetter
- American Astronomical Society List of Grants
- Kamehameha Schools Scholarships
- Hawaii Community Foundation
- Association for Women in Science
- Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
- Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundation Foundation
- Research Opportunities for Space and Earth Sciences
General Searches
- Undergraduate and Graduate Opportunities
- 31 Travel Scholarships
- STEM Resources for Graduate Students
Job Search Engines
- SACNAS professional opportunites
- Caltech jobs
- AAS academic jobs
- AAS non-academic jobs
- Physics Today jobs
- USA jobs
Summer Internships
Travel Grants