Prof. Brice Calvignac

Phone: +33(0)


Full Professor                                             

Polytech Angers (Engineering school of the University of Angers)

Biological and Health engineering department

Co-Head of Innovative Engineering for Health Products speciality

Research group

MIcro- et Nanomédecines Translationnelles (MINT)

INSERM U1066 - UMR CNRS 6021

Head of the  cluster "Microfluidic formulation of Micro/Nanomedicines"

I am Full Professor in Chemical Engineering and Associate Dean of Research at Polytech Angers Engeenring school (University of Angers, France). My fields of teaching, scientific and pedagogical support for student-engineers are related to Process Engineering and the formulation of health products (agri-food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals) on both theoretical and practical aspects.

I obtained my PhD in chemical engineering at Mines ParisTech in 2009 and awarded in 2010 by the International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF). Since 2013, I established a new research thematic in the MINT lab about Micro/Nanotechnology engineering of drug delivery systems such as Micro/Nanomedicines and medical devices. I have a strong expertise in microfluidics and supercritical CO2 technologies for drug carrier formulation (such as Lipidic nanoemulsions, PLGA microparticles and nanostructured CaCO3 particles) and the implementation process of in situ characterization techniques (UV-Vis, confocal Raman microscopy, SAXS/WAXS). I am the PI of a technological maturation program (SATT-Ouest Valorisation funding) aiming to develop the THERACHIP microfluidic medical device and I am work-package co-leader with BioNTech company in the RESOLVE project (ERA-Net EuroNanoMed 3 program) to work on the continuous and GMP production of nanocarriers by microfluidic processes.

Research Interests

Chemical Engineering - Supercritical fluid technology - Microfluidics - Pharmaceutical technologies - Particle generation - Phase equilibria - Measurements and Modelling of physical properties - In-situ characterization - Surface functionalization - Biomaterials - Nanostructured marerials - Drug delivery - Control release - Micromedicines - Nanomedicines - Medical devices - 3D Printing 

Collaborations & Contacts:

Pr. Alain Gibaud, Laboratoire IMMM, Université du Mans, France

Pr. Jean-François Pilard, Laboratoire IMMM, Université du Mans, France

Dr. Thomas Beuvier, Laboratoire IMMM, Université du Mans, France

Pr. Jacques Fages, Centre RAPSODEE, Ecole des Mines d'Albi, France

Dr. Jean-Jacques Letourneau, Centre RAPSODEE, Ecole des Mines d'Albi, France

Pr. Elisabeth Badens, Laboratoire M2P2, Univsersité Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France

Pr. Olivier Boutin, Laboratoire M2P2, Univsersité Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France

Dr. Cyril Aymonier, Institut de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), France

Dr. Samuel Marre, Institut de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), France

Pr. Jean-Pierre Benoît, MINT-INSERM U1066, Univsersité d'Angers, France

Dr. Jean-Christophe Gimel, MINT-INSERM U1066, Univsersité d'Angers, France

Dr. Guillaume Bastiat, MINT-INSERM U1066, Univsersité d'Angers, France

Dr. Thierry Lemenand, Laboratoire LARIS, Univsersité d'Angers, France

Pr. Christine Jerome, Laboratoire CERM, Université de Liège, Belgium

Dr. Antoine Debuigne, Laboratoire CERM, Université de Liège, Belgium

Dr. Valeria Bosio, CONICET, University of La Plata, Argentina

European synchrotron radiation facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France

Top-Industrie, Vaux le Pénil, France

SEPAREX, Champigneulles, France

Apium, Karlsruhe, Germany