Conferences, Seminars, schools

Virtual seminars:

Conferences, Workshops and schools that look interesting


Positivity and the bootstrap, 31 May- 2 June, CERN

Higgs Hunting 2021, September

GGI Lectures on the theory of fundamental Interactions, Florence January

Cargese Summer School: Old and New Frontiers in QFT, 9-19 July

Amplitudes 2021, 16-20 Aug, Copenhagen

strings 2021, June 21- July 2, ICTP-SAIFR Sao Paolo

Cosmology 2021: the rise of field theory, 4-8 January, Cambridge

Les Houches Summer School 2021: Dark Matter , 26 July -- 20 Aug. (deadline March 15th)

2020 (check for updates related to Covid-19)


workshop "Dark Pollica", 15-26 June, Pollica Town, Italy

Higgs Hunting 2020, 7-9 Sept., Paris

Amplitudes and Cosmology, Holography and Positive Geometries, 25-31/05, Lecce

Rencontres de Moriond 2020, EW 21-28/03, QCD&HEP and cosmology 28/3 - 4/4,

GGI lectures on the theory of fundamental interactions, Florence, 7-24 Jan

Advanced School in Theoretical Physics, New Ideas for old puzzles, IIAS 29 Dec- 9 Jan

CERN Winter school on supergravity, strings and gauge theories, 3-7 Feb

Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2020, Paris, 26-29 May

Beyond the SM: Particle Physics meets Cosmology, workshop at IFT Madrid, 27 April- 22 May

The Dark Side of the Universe, 13-17 July, Kigali, Rwanda

Cargese 2020 International summer school, "Rethinking Beyond the Standard Model", July 20- Aug 1st

MITP Summer school 2020: scattering amplitudes, 6-24 July, Mainz

Planck 2020, Durham 15-19 June

PONT D'Avignon 2020, 27-30 April 2020, Avignon


Laces 2019, GGI Florence, 25 Nov 13 Dec.

Non-perturbative Methods in QFT, ICTP Trieste, 3-6 June.

Amplitudes and Cosmology, Holography and Positive Geometries, School in Lecce, Italy, May 27- June 1st

31st Rencontres de Blois 2019, June 2-7

Planck 2019, Granada, 3-7 June

Invisible School, 3-7 June, Canfranc-Estacion, Spain

Invisible workshop, 10-14 June, Valencia, Spain

Itzykson Conference, "Effective Field Theory in Cosmology, Gravitation and Particle Physics", Saclay, 5-7 June

GGI lectures on the theory of fundamental interactions

Higgs Center School of Theoretical Physics 2019, 27-31 May

MIAPP, "The Weak scale at a crossroad: lessons from the LHC and beyond", TUM Munich, May 27- June 21st

MITP, "Indirect searches for new physics across the scales", Mainz, 17 June- 12 July

MITP, "Fundamental Composite Dynamics: opportunities for future colliders and cosmology" Mainz 16 Aug- Sept 6

KITP, Origin of the vacuum energy and the electroweak scales, June 17- Aug.9

Rencontres de Moriond, 16-23 (EW and unified theories) 23-30 (QCD, high-energy and cosmo)

GGI, "Next Frontiers in the Search for Dark Matter", Aug 26 - Oct 11.

Les Houches, workshop "Physics at TeV Colliders", June 10- 28

TASI 2019, June 3-28


Institut H. Poincare, Analytic Methods in Cosmology

Bootstrap School 2018, Caltech July 8-14

Higgs centre School for Theoretical Physics 2018, Edinburgh, 28 May- 1 June

Pascos2018, June 4-8, Cleveland

PiTP: "From Qubits to Spacetime", July 26-27, Princeton

2018 MITP summer school, Towards the next QFT of Nature, Mainz, July 16 Aug. 3rd

The sound of Spacetime: the dawn of gravitational wave science, Mainz, June 4-15

Vistas over the Swampland, IFT Madrid Sept 19-21

ICTP Summer school in cosmology, ICTP, June 18-29

Strings 2018, Okinawa, June 25-29

Planck 2018, Bonn, May 21-25, Bonn

Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, June 25-29, Guadalupe

Strong and EW Matter conference 2018, Barcelona, June 25-29

Cosmological Probes of BSM - from the big bang to the LHC, Benasque, May 6-12

The particle frontier, Aspen Winter conference, March 25-31

Amplitudes in the LHC era, GGI Florence, Oct 15th- Nov 23rd

Higgs Hunting 2018, July 23-25, Paris and Orsay

Beyond Standard Model: where do we go from here, GGI Florence, Aug. 10th- Oct 5th

Supersymmetric QFT in the non-perturbative regime, GGI Florence, April 2nd- May 11th

Physics at the LHC and Beyond, CERN 16 July- 10 Aug.

Cargese 2018, international summer school "Mass: from the Higgs to Cosmology", 9-21 July

GGI school on fundamental interactions, Florence, 8-26 January

Les rencontres de Physique de la vallée d'Aoste, La Thuille, 25 Feb- 3 March

Rencontres de Moriond, EW and Unified theory 10-17 March, Cosmo 17-24 March

The Particle Frontier, Aspen, 25-31 March

Gravity, Cosmology and Beyond the Standard Model Physics, APC 10-15 June

The Future of BSM Physics, MITP workshop, Capri island, 4-15 June

ICHEP 2018, Seoul, Sud Korea, 4-11 July


Scalars 2017, Warsaw, 30 Nov- 3Dec

Corfu 2017, 2-10 Sept.

Strings2017, Tel-Aviv, 26-30 June

International Summer School on HEP, Benasque, 3-16Sept.

Dark Energy and Modified-Gravity cosmologies: DARKMOD, 11Sept- 6 Oct, IPhT (week 1-2) and IAS (week 3-4)

Dissecting the LHC results, Paris 20-21 April

ICTP summer school on particle physics, Trieste, 5-16 June

School on the Non-perturbative Bootstrap, school at ICTP-saifr in Sao Paulo, 22-29 May

CERN-KCK workshop in Jeju, Korea, ``What's going on at the EW scale?'', 31 May - 6 June

Collider Physics and the Cosmos, GGI Florence, 28 Aug- 13 Oct

The TeV scale: a threshold to new physics? ; workshop in Mainz, 12 June-7 July

Particle physics in 2017: from the LHC to dark matter and beyond, Aspen, 19-25 March

Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuille, 18-25 March and 25 March -01 April

Pont Avignon 2017, Popes' palace in Avignon, 24-28 April

Rencontres de physique des particules 2017, Marseille, 24-26 April

8th ``Higgs Hunting'' workshop , Orsay and Paris, July 24-26

Planck 2017, Warsaw, 22-27 May

Hot topics in Modern Cosmology, Cargese, 1-6 May

EFT in particle physics and cosmology, school at Les Houches 3-28 July

MITP Summer School 2017, ``Joint Challenges for Cosmology and Colliders'', 6-25 Aug., Mainz

Invisibles17 workshop, 12-16 June, Zurich

PiTP ``Particle Physics at the LHC and beyond'', IAS Princeton, 16-28 July


Gravity and Experiment, IAP Paris 23-25 Nov.

GDR Terascale, Jussieu Paris, 23-25 Nov.

HEFT2016, 26-28 Oct

EFTs for collider physics, flavor phenomena and EWSB, 12-15 sept.

Effective field theories as discovery tools, Aug. 22nd to Sep. 9th

A first Glance beyond the Energy Frontier, ICTP, Trieste, 06-09 Sept.

LIO int. conference on Composite Models, EW physics and the LHC, Lyon 05-08 Sept

Interplay between particle and astroparticle physics, Orsay-LAL, 05-09 Sept

Higgs Hunting, Orsay, Aug. 31st to Sep.2nd

Charting the unknown, CERN TH Institute, from July 25th to Aug 12th

SUSY 2016, Melbourne, 4-8 July

ICHEP 2016, Chicago, 3-10 Aug.

Higgs Tasting Workshop, Benasque, 15-21 May

Planck 2016 conference, Valencia 23-27 May

Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuille, 12-19 March 2016

Composite Dynamics: from lattive to the LHC run II, Mainz, 4-15 April

Flavor and the EWSB, Capri, 13-24 June

Understanding the first results from LHC run II, 27 June to 22 July

Conformal Field Theories and Renormalization group flows in d>2, GGI Florence, May 23rd to July 8th