
Informing  a general audience

I contributed to the IFS Deaton Review which is an exceptionally rich discussion of inequality.  Specifically, I co-authored the Belgian chapter of the part Country Studies in which the evolution over time of a wide range of high-income countries is analyzed in detail. 

I co-organised the 24ème Congrès des économistes  with as theme "Les leçons économiques de la crise COVID-19".  This also resulted in the following E-book that I helped co-editing.

Together with B. Capéau, L. Cherchye, K. Decancq, A. Decoster, F. Maniquet, A. Nys, G. Périlleux, E. Ramaekers, Z. Rongé E. Schokkaert  and F. Vermeulen I wrote a book for a broader audience in Dutch Wat heet dan gelukkig zijn? Geluk, welvaart en welzijn van de Belgen  (published by Garant), French En faut-il peu pour être heureux? Conditions de vie, bonheur et bien-être en Belgique (published by Anthemis) and English Well-being in Belgium: Beyond Happiness and Income (published by Springer). For this book we gathered a unique data set on more than 2000 Belgian households, which allowed us to document the well-being in multiple dimensions of all adults living in the household.  Click here for more details about the data, the corresponding scientific project and the book.  This received ample attention in  Belgian newspapers (De Standaard, De Morgen, Moustique) and on national radio (RTBF).

Together with the child benefit fund My Family and my colleagues L. Cherchye and F. Vermeulen, I developed the tool  kindkompas to compute the cost of child for Flemish families. This also received ample attention in Belgian newspapers (De Morgen, De Standaard, De Tijd, Het Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuws, Metro, Le Soir, ...) and on national television (VTM). 

Keynotes in het Nederlands

I gave several talks about my research to a  general audience: rotary Jabbeke, Fifty-One Brugge, Pecha Kucha Brugge, Universiteit van de Derde Leeftijd, Actueeel denken en Leven, Toekomstplanners Brugge, Junior College KU Leuven, Vl@s Ruiselede, La Société Royale d'Economie Politique de Belgique ,...

Popular press

Here is an opinion piece for La Libre on the importance of micro data.

My article on hand-to-mouth households featured in Geron, a magazine in Dutch targeting more senior people, and a Leuvens Economisch Standpunt (both in Dutch) .

Here is an opinion piece for Doordenkers (Knack) on inequality and inflation.

My paper "Feed the children" was discussed at World Bank Blog.

I co-authored  a scientific article about selfcontrol and food decisions. This featured in a VoxEU column (in English) and a Leuvens Economisch Standpunt (in Dutch).  The Flemish newspaper De Standaard also wrote an article about it. 


Throughout the years some videos were made featuring me talking about teaching, research, my love for mathematics,...

Start to Study

Measuring individual well-being

Francqui prize

What makes Solvay unique


Importance of mathematics for students in economics

Passion for research