Analytical Team

The team conducting initial analysis for this report come from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, led by Associate Professor Meira Levinson.

Meira Levinson, D.Phil (Oxford University), is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She taught eighth grade history, humanities, and civics for five years at the McCormack Middle School in Dorchester, following three years as a middle school teacher in the Atlanta Public Schools. She is the proud mom of two daughters enrolled in the Boston Public Schools. Her two most recent books, No Citizen Left Behind and Making Civics Count, both address the engagement and empowerment of all citizens in American democracy.

James Noonan is a third-year Ed.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Jacob Fay is a second-year Ed.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Ann Mantil is a third-year Ed.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

William Johnston is a fourth-year Ed.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Chris Buttimer is a third-year Ed.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Jal Mehta, Ph.D. (Harvard University), is an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His primary research interests are in understanding the relationship between knowledge and action; substantively he is most interested in the policy and politics of creating high quality schooling at scale. His most recent books are The Allure of Order (forthcoming) and The Futures of School Reform.