Mission and Vision

Our Mission & Vision

When attending middle school, students become part of the pack. Animals, like humans, organize themselves into functional social groups that serve a purpose. We live in packs because cooperation allow us to do more together than we can on our own.

The mission of Boulder Expedition is to facilitate an authentic process for students to explore who they are, dynamics of working together in a pack, our roles in the pack as leaders and allies, and how we interact with and understand our environment.

Boulder Expedition members will practice, develop and share common values:

1) We value the journey that Boulder Expedition provides; it is a unique privilege to take time away from formal education in order to learn informally.

2) We value time free from distraction so that we may concentrate on our relationships and practice leadership skills that can translate into quality leadership at school.

3) We value being part of a group that can only function when all members positively contribute.

4) We value service to others and the environment.

5) We value personal responsibility and self-reflection as components of becoming more mindful humans.

6) We value open and honest communication.