Bottle Refill

I'll refill your BottomlessBrew bottles for as long as I'm alive and brewing beer, as often as you want. You get the bottles to me, and I'll get them back to you filled with fresh beer. You have 4 options as defined below.

Options for Refilling BottomlessBrew Bottles...

1) Brew & Fill. This option is for the adventurous who will get themselves to my house. We brew together at my place - it takes about 6 leisurely hours - and you get introduced to all-grain homebrewing. You also get treated to my monstrously good Vanilla soy lattes. You grind barley by hand, smell pungent leaf hops, "pitch" living yeast and use a Rube Goldberg collection of pots, hoses, valves and other brewing odds-and-ends. I take the day's creation, ferment it (2 weeks to 6 months depending on beer style), and keg half of it (for BottomlessBrew patrons) and you get half in conventional beer bottles to enjoy at your leisure (I need your help to collect non-screw top bottles). Before you go, we refill your bottles from my kegs with your brew choices.

2) Drop your empties off at my house. This option is for people who live near me in Michigan and who drop by the house on occasion. You simply drop the bottles at my place and I either sanitize/refill them on the spot, or you come back later and pick up the bottles filled with new beer choices. For your convenience, a BottomlessBrew drop box is on our front porch, so you have 24X7 refill access!

3) Arrange a rendezvous to give me your bottles. This is for people who live near me but rarely get over to my house. We can agree on a place to meet that is convenient for both of us, and we'll likewise arrange a later time/place to give you back the refilled bottles.

4) Mail your empties to me. Who mails empty beer bottles? Well, if you are a BottomlessBrew member, live far afield from me and you want more fantastic artisan brew, then YOU. Bubble wrap your bottles to ensure they don't break. Then mail to me. I'll then sanitize/refill those bottles with your selected beers and ship them back to you at MY COST. If you have a wooden carrying case for the bottles, don't bother to send that back to me - that would just be excess weight and packaging. Just mail the bottles.

To get the ball rolling, contact me with: a) What beer you want refilled in your 4 bottles (see what's on Tap to help guide your selection), and b) which of the above options you want. See the other details on how it works.

To help me out, it would be helpful if you could soak your bottles in a pale of water to remove the labels and get them clean before you give the bottles back to me.