4 Pack

The BottomlessBrew 4-Pack

This is your personal perpetual ticket to beer heaven!

Your bottles are identified with your name and a unique serial number that I've hand engraved on each bottle.

Keep your BottomlessBrew 4-pack safe! It is just like the Golden Goose of old. As long as you treat these bottles with care, they give you a continuous golden bounty for years and years to come.

Simply drink the contents of your bottles, return the empties to me and I will refill them with your choice of whatever beers and wines I have on tap for free. Do this over, and over and over, as long as you're thirsty and I'm still kicking and brewing.

BottomlessBrew 4-packs are given, not requested. The selection process is shrouded in mystery.

So friends, if you happen to break or lose a bottle, or notice that I'm slow in making you your own set of blue bottles (and you want to get started now), see details.