Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (COMP/EECE 4720/6720)

Spring 2023

Instructor: Bonny Banerjee, Ph.D.

Contact Information:

Office: 208B Engineering Science Bldg.

Phone: 901-678-4498

E-mail: (email communication preferred)

Office Hours: By appointment

When: MWF 11:30 am-12:25 pm

Where: Dunn Hall 124

Course Description:

Fundamentals of programming in LISP; central ideas of artificial intelligence, including heuristic search, problem solving, slot-and-filler structures, and knowledge representation.

Note: Prior knowledge in LISP is not required. Class project will involve some programming that can be done in any language (C/C++/C#, Java, MATLAB, Python, etc.). Any student not comfortable with programming should talk to the instructor in the first class.

Required Text:

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig


Introduction to a computational approach to artificial intelligence, intelligent agents, problem solving by searching, beyond classical search, logical agents, first-order logic, inference in first-order logic, classical planning, planning and acting in the real world, quantifying uncertainty, probabilistic reasoning, probabilistic reasoning over time.


Course aims and agenda

Chapter 1: What is “intelligence”?

Chapter 2: Intelligent agents

Chapters 3-6: Problem solving

Chapters 7-12: Knowledge, reasoning and planning

Chapter 13: Quantifying uncertainty

Chapter 14: Probabilistic reasoning

Chapter 15: Probabilistic reasoning over time

Important dates:

1/18 (Wednesday): First class

3/3 (Friday): Midterm exam

3/6-3/10 (Monday-Friday): No class -- Spring Break

4/26 (Wednesday): Last class (project reports due)

5/1 (Monday): Final exam (10:30 am-12:30 pm)

Evaluation and Final Grades:

Grading: Homework 25%, Midterm 25%, Final 25%, Project 25%.

The 4720 and 6720 sections will be graded separately. In each exam and homework, the students enrolled for 6720 will have to answer more questions.